At the end of 2008, I posted about wanting 2009 to be about doing new scary things that I'd been scared to do in the past. As part of that, I'm posting a 'status update' at the end of each month. Here are the things I've done for Project 2009 in April:
- Still working lots on recovery from anorexia. I figure I can keep putting this under accomplished goals for at least another month or two. ;)
- Wrote more, both on LJ and on paper again. I'm finding journalling on paper (and writing paper letters to ana, my eating disorder) is helping me a lot lately.
- Did my 2008 taxes. I still have to file them, but a couple days into May is fine (CRA owes me a bunch of money due to a bunch of things that happened in 2008, so they don't care if it's in by April 30). They're done, just need mailing.
- Got my hair re-dyed! Went to a professional this time, and it came out awesome. Mostly dark purple, but just at the front it's blue on the left and pink on the right. I love it lots. Need a new LJ icon soon... My hair in the current icon is way out of date now ;)
- Talked to my mum a bunch, and came out to her about a bunch of things related to our past and our identity. Have been wanting to do that for many years now, so was really good to do so! :)
Goals for the next month:
- See my audiologist/dispenser to get new earmolds done. This was on my list of goals for March and April, but didn't happen due to... well, mostly that it's really scary. It still needs to get done...
- Talk more in my eating disorder support group. I did a little better with this over the past week, I need/want to work on this a lot more though.
- Hang glide in the Toronto area, and/or set up something to do so in California when I'm there in early June.