Aug 19, 2005 01:39
After a thrilling week traversing the eastern seaboard, I have arrived safely in good old Clemson. After spending a combined time of 36+ hours in a car, it was quite the welcome sight. But, of course, I can't press forward without looking backward at all the amazing things I will miss about my beloved New Hampshire:
1. Dunkin Donuts! Oh jesus, iced lattes turn me on just about as much as Tom Brady shirtless. In fact, those two things together is what constitutes heaven.
2. Drive In. Alright, I guess Tom Brady, sitting beside me at the drive in, holding an iced latte would actually be heaven. $6 for two new movies in the privacy of your own car with Ben and Jerrys just waiting for you at intermission. How can you beat that?
3. Parents. Food, shelter, clothing, money. They have it all and with enough whining, are willing to give it to you.
4. Rude People. I love that it is completely acceptable, if not just common practice, for doors to slam in your face, people to honk their horns and flip you off, and people to bump into you and give you dirty looks. Yes, to all you good southern children, this sounds horrible but it's a certain comfort to me that I don't have to be sugar and rainbows all the time at home.
5. People who know what the left lane is for. I love the South, but good sweet god, what I wouldn't give for an infomercial detailing that the left lane is for FAST traffic. It definately isn't for coasting at 60 mph.
6. Did I mention Dunkin Donuts???
7. My crap ass job and the horrible people who work there. Yep, I surely do love it. Decent money, good stories, interesting and sometimes scary people (I'll tell you about my night with the rapist and the girl who beat her boyfriend up someday).
8. Kids. They drive me nuts but my cousins are hilarious. I'll miss using my superb babysitting ability to threaten bodily harm to Sam unless he apologizes for hurting Anthony.
9. Dating. For some weird reason, people around here like to be friends before going out. I must have missed this memo because I like doing it the following way: Guy asks me out. I say yes. I get free movie. I feel that adding the friendship element is just mucking up the free movies.
10. Last, but not least, awkward reunions around town. I never fully realized how many people I never wanted to see again when I left NH the first time. Only upon going back do I fully realize.