May 18, 2006 22:29
I hate looking for jobs. And all jobs in New Hampshire are dangerous, strangely specific, or involve interacting with some strange animal. I haven't even had an interview and I'm completely over it. No, I don't want to work at West Lebanons triple drive-thru, or find out if I can carry 80 lbs of rugs and I'm definitely not an agressive, team player looking for a job in customer service.
Otherwise, New Hampshire is wet, flooded, and about as fun as a funeral. In fact, I would mistake it for a funeral if so many of my friends weren't knocked up. The neverending pictures of screaming, bloody babies being brought into the world sometime makes me wish I was at a funeral though.
Beyond the crappy weather and bizarre job hunt, it's nice to be around family again. My 5 year old cousin informed me today that he didn't need my help because he's "the man and you're just a girl" following that up with the fact that he could save me. You know, because he's a man.