hey hey hey hey.....

Dec 15, 2004 20:48

Hello all...sorry it has been awhile...can you believe it is almost christmas?!? whoa...and i have officially dumped my checking account of all remaining money...i got most of my shopping done...and made sure to purchase a little (rather...a lot) for myself...tis the season to be giving ....right? hmm...well anyway...i bought my mom this super groovy bracelet and earrings...i wore them the next day...i guess another shopping trip is in hand...today i took lucy to her christmas program at preschool...kids crack me up...are they oblvious to the fact that we are all watching them? well as soon as she noticed her mom and i in the crowd.... she yelled (next to a mic) "SAYE...MOM...DEE....SAYYYYEEE...."it was hysterical...o my goodness i turned red...she was yellling at me from the stage...we need to put a stop to this whole yelling thing...oh yeah...somehow i have honed the nickname...saye...so you can start calling me that if you want...i find it rather chic...haha my own quirky humor...i like it...but yeah...so i am going to UNCG tomorrow to meet with an admissions counselor...hoping everything goes well...i say all the right things...look right...etc...you know...like a studious young adult...hey what happened to my popularity glasses...those would come in handy...do yall remember those things...i used to have like 3 pairs....alright i know there was a lot i was going to say...but i cant remember...must go get my knit on...hahah bye yall...oh yeah...can the cute tall guy i see everyday at starbucks ask me out...or can i make a move on him...im seriously contemplating this...he has excellent shoulders...aaahhh....more coffee please....

things i've learned...
1.hang out at starbucks
2.always consider other options...
3. be bad while you are young enough to do so
4.listen to music...it lifts your spirits
4. hot fudge sundaes from mcdonalds are amazing...
5. mcdonalds now accepting plastic? wow
6. my feet always smell bad in winter
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