Home on the range

Mar 17, 2011 02:50

Hello friends! I have been home for a few weeks now. I returned to -35C and my body promptly voiced its displeasure by making no attempt to fight off the 72341293215 viruses I had been exposed to while associating with 16,000 other photographers at the conference in Las Vegas, and I got sick AGAIN for the third time since November! It was another doosy and left me housebound for nearly two weeks (not that I wanted to go outside anyway). By the time I emerged, there was four feet of snow in our yard -- but it wasn't -35 anymore, so I took what I could get!

The snow does make things beautiful, mind you.

"It was snowing so heavily, the birds had to walk to the feeder!" (My mum, in jest)

Homefront update: family is good, friends are good, horses are good! Life is good. I'm preparing to move one province over, to British Columbia, in search of more mild winters and new photography opportunities. I've been talking about it for two years now, but the time has come to actually do it, seeing as all my possessions are already packed up anyway! I think this is the first time I have really talked about the move publicly, but I didn't want to say anything until I was sure it was happening.

I've been busy with catching up on life, but I do want to continue sharing stories of the trip here as I have time. I will also be posting over at my new business blog, and you can now follow me on my Facebook fan page as well! I've been meaning to do both of these for a long time now, but was inspired to finally get in gear after my photography conference in Las Vegas.

My latest business blog post was some photography news, which is that two of my photos were selected as finalists in an international equine photography competition! Copied from the blog... There is a People's Choice Award for the public's favourite image, so have a look and if mine is your favourite, I would love it if you could vote for it. Mine are in row ten, "Spellbound" and "Windswept", but as you can only vote once in the Professional category, I am aiming for "Spellbound" to win. Click here to see all the photos and vote.
Please be sure to confirm your vote via the email receipt (check your Junk mail if you don't see it in your Inbox!)

"Spellbound": Kim and Tango are the subjects of a long-time favourite image of mine from 2008.

"Windswept": This hardy mare and foal were braving the gusty spring winds near Glenwood, Alberta last year.

Edited to add: I won! Not the People's Choice Award, but 1st place in the category for Spellbound, and an Honourable Mention for Windswept, determined by the judges. :D
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