On February 7th, I went for my first tramp (hike) in New Zealand. I chose the nearby Glentui Park (just past the Ashley Gorge that I mentioned in the previous post), and was very pleased with my two hour jaunt. The light was beautiful and the landscape very similar to forests in Canada, but without the threat of a bear or mountain lion around the next bend! It was so similar, in fact, that I once thought, "Uh-oh, bear scat!" when I saw a dark piece of bark on the trail ahead, haha.
On the road to the trail head: a neat gate incorporating an old bicycle.
The beginning of the trail had new growth coming through after a bush fire.
10 minutes up the trail was a lovely waterfall down below.
There may not be carnivores out to get you here, but the forest was literally vibrating
with the sound of wasps and bees... Jo wasn't kidding when she warned me to watch out for them!
The root system of a giant fallen tree.
On the way back, I saw a peaceful scene of sheep grazing.
Wait, what's that big black thing in the foreground?
Why yes, it is an ostrich.
Maybe he is a guard-ostrich. :)
I tried telling him he had a little something on his mouth,
but he just looked at me funny...