*comes crawling back*

Nov 03, 2009 12:31

Hey guys, I am officially back to posting. I've been lurking around for months now, reading and periodically commenting in your journals.

I have MONTHS worth of updating to do, and a shit load of pics too...but I have no idea when I'll get to those. But I need to make an effort, I used to write novels practically, but now I seem to lose motivation when I have *so* much to talk about.

England was great...except for the part where I was detained in the security office for being a possible risk...because my return ticket just wasn't enough to prove I was going to go back home. *is permenantly traumatized* *will post more later*

Simon along with his family and mine, surprized me, by coming in a week early, so he could propose!

We are moving to Sweden next spring/early summer, because of immigration issues...so we can live together and save up money for the move back to the US and finally getting married.

I've started selling my arts and crafts, to try and make some money, while I continue to search for a job. Countless hours have been spent, searching and filling out applications, only to never hear anything back....well except for when I heard that I wasn't qualified to work at fucking Wendy's...*sighs*.

I've set up an Artfire account :Craftations . There isn't much for now, I'm still working on stuff, and I will have all kinds of things, not just the bracelets.

I've also created another journal, for posting my art in, some will be stuff I've made before in the past years, and that have been gifts, and then others will be stuff for sale. I'll start out posting the things here as well, until it's been long enough that I'll only post the art at craftations . So friend it if you like. :)

I'm really sorry I've been such a horrible poster. I miss all of you, and I hope you still want to hang around my boring old journal.

I love you guys

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