(no subject)

Oct 07, 2008 09:39

So, Tired has finally come to town. We were doing pretty well with the nights but lately between the two of them, I'm getting like 2-3 hours of sporadic sleep a night, a recipe for weird behavior and utter exhaustion. David has become increasingly grumpy, switching to "high-need baby" mode. Thankfully it's not colic or anything, but it's enough. Much like Anderson he just really, really likes skin-to-skin contact and human interaction like all of the time. He does not appreciate being stuck in a bouncy seat, co-sleeper bassinet or swing, at least not for long.

And Anderson has taken to waking up 4 or 5 times a night in a screaming fit about how he CAN'T SLEEP (meaning he won't sleep, not that he's physically unable). He'll yell at me to take him somewhere, whatever that means, and about how all the lights need to come on and that he needs something to eat... Argh. One of us generally has to lure him back to bed with a made-up story involving Dora the Explorer, his stuffed tiger or bobcat, and some kind of mystery to be solved. This is not an easy task at 4 a.m. when we're already exhausted from David's cry/eat/poop/cry/eat/poop cycle.

But. We're getting through and I think the main lesson learned from Anderson is that this part will end. It seemed hopeless last time but this time we know that if we find a way to cope, it's a matter of a few months and things will be a lot easier. I'm also thinking we might be experiencing a growth spurt what with all David's cluster feeding. I am so much the milk machine right now.

In other news, I bought a really expensive dress! We have to go to a black-tie event for Kurt's work in a few weeks and needless to say I don't own anything that comes close to being appropriate for something like this. I like the dress a lot. It's a bronze ballgown with an attached bolero-type lace jacket thing. I'll have to post pictures after the fact. Anyway, it should be fun and I do like Kurt in a tux. It's at the Cincinnati Museum Center, aka Union Terminal, which is a really cool building. It used to be a big train station and has this amazing domed interior. Here's an interior picture:

The exterior looks like this:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Cincinnati_Union_Terminal_at_Dusk.JPG (too big for the page, no time to trim it).

Anyway, I'm going to suck down some caffeine during this rare moment when Anderson is coloring and David is snoozing (lightly).
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