"Sup Hiney?!"

Mar 11, 2006 23:51

my day started at 7:45 this morning. i literally woke up- freaked out for about 5 min. got dressed, scooped up my pile of science fair stuff, and flew out the door. mrs. fields said that we should try to be there by 8, so i knew i was going to be late. but i was okay- we actually didn't have to be checked in until like 8:45 or something. but i still am running on 3 hours of sleep. breakfast burritos helped.

so i was completely bored out of my skull today. i spent most of my time- not at my board, but at jackie's. which is really funny. we amused ourselves in many ways. we did bird calls and made fun of so many people. i bet we sounded really mean- no wait, i know we sounded really mean.

i was judged by finalist judges, and i was judged by the people who give out international scholarships. they judge 8 people, and then narrow it down to 6- then those people get full renewable scholarships to u of l. and i was judged- but i didn't get picked. i was one place away from getting a free ride to college. oh well- at least i won first place. it's pretty sweet. i got a 60 dollar check. i was really really surprised...and nervous at the awards ceremony. i was so nervous. i was so apathetic at this science fair. like i really didn't care. cause my mom told me even before i went to the regional science fair- that i wasn't going to state. cause we are driving down to the smokey's that day. but then when i got first place, i went over to my mom, and she was like, "you're going to state." so yeah- there's that.

my feet were killing me today- i don't know why. just recently they have been hurting like a mo. after science fair- my mom took me to the game, but that was canceled- so i went home and took like a really really quick shower. it felt really nice after a long day. i was in that building for like over 10 hours.

then jordan came over- and our plan was to play board games, but we just ended up talking. which was nice. i haven't done that with any of my friends in a long time. but jordan better not repeat anything we said- no matter what the subject matter.(!) and jordan also learned what a bunion is tonight, and that my dad can't really make a pie- but my mom makes good chicken. haha.


p.s.- ummm also......clay and i made out last night on jordan's front porch. it was sweet :)
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