If you look up "Chillaxin'" in the dictionary I'm PRETTY sure you'd see that picture of Scruffy.
We were watching Mark play video games.
He's doing great, by the way, still trying to eat his wait in Fancy Feast every day and now because he's missing just about all of his teeth, when he licks his paw to wash his face, his little tongue lolls out the side of his mouth - its adorable.
I went swimming yesterday! I had been planning on doing it Monday but the heating ISSUES prevented me from doing so! But yesterday was WONDERFUL. After watching the YMCA lady fill out our membership froms in triplicate - ON PAPER - we (Megan, Ed, cousin Maija and myself) changed and hopped into the 3-lane pool in the basement of the Y. I swam my little heart out and it was so much fun. I think we swam for an hour. I love it. I can't wait to go back.