My American Idol Adventure!

Sep 21, 2006 10:55

So we got to the key arena at about 5:30 am. And we were the back of the line. lol Go figure, they let people line up early. But we get in line and sit down, anticipating a looong day. The guys running the show come around, and welcome us to the line tell us what to expect for the day, and to introduce ourselves to our neighbors. So the girl directly in front of me turns around (I have a Lakers sweatshirt on) and says "LAKERS!?!? I went to Lake Oswego!" ok... no fricken way. Out of the 9 THOUSAND people who turned up, I sit next to one who I could have gone to school with! Well turns out she's 28 and has spent the last few years in Nigeria. That just makes it all the more crazy. Anyway, emma brought us a friend from the parking lot when she went to change her clothes, his name was Zadoc. Awesome guy.
So the first day we all stand in line together. Nigeria, Zadoc, Me, Emma, and her sister Hannah. I'm really tired, and those of you out there who have experienced me REALLY tired know... I get really sarcastic and realllllly funny. So I am just talkin and they are dying of laughter. So much fun. So we finally register, which doesn't take us long at all. We all decide we need some breakfast. So we head to china town for Dim Sum. Yum. Of course we had to find china town... Now, Seattle is a funny place. It seems like it was all pieced together, and every time they needed to add road, they decided at that time, not considering which way the road had previously gone, or which way it may go... to just pick a direction. We're talking one way/ two way here. So we're driving along, Emma has a general feel for Seattle, and we think we're headed in the general direction. Well...Does anybody know what happens when you are headed down a two way road, come to a stop light and that road turns into a one way coming at you, but there are no signs posted saying so?!? We hit the light green, so we didn't even have time to notice everything comin at us. So we halt in the middle of the intersection, and take the next road we can that has a difinitive sign as to which way it runs. (perfect examply of how we spent most of the trip in the line you say? no no, in the car) Any way, we found Dim sum. Hit pike place Mkt. And headed for the hotel, which we were right around the corner from when we left pike, but took us 3 hours to find. Then the hotel checker-iner-person was a jerk. Then we slept for a couple hours. It was about 7 when we woke up, but (i know find out) it takes hannah 2 1/2 hours to get ready for ANYTHING. So we hit the town in search of fooood at 9:30. Hey guess what? At 9:30 on a sunday evening, seattle is closed. lol We found pizza. Next day, we had a free day kinda, registration wasn't over til tuesday. So we shopped. GEORGE if ya read this, we ended up at that same mall we hung out at that one time... Anyway, I found an Old Navy, nuff said. Then we went back to china town, wchich was a bit easier. Had some Pho... Mmmmm. Then we picked up Nigeria and took her to the hotel for some practicing. (this was about 8pm, had to be in line next morning at 4:30am) Practiced til about 10, took nigeria home. When we got back to the hotel there were other hopefuls showing up and congregating, so we joined. Sang, laughed, got a new nickname. Went up to bed around 1am. lol We never did get any sleep.
So we hit the line the next morning at 4:30. We'd picked up Nigeria, and Zadoc was saving us a place. Well emma forgot her wallet, and they made a big stink about ID (which they NEVER checked)so she and her sis went back to get it. Had a huge fight, almost didn't make it back it time to be ushered into the building like cattle. No seriously, Moo. But we did make it in. Sat around (in different sections unfortunately) for 4!! hours while they got camera shots of us singing "we built this city on rock and roll" (well grunge actually but close enough) and about a million other shots. Then they set up the tables and started gathering sections. Oh, guess who was one of the FIRST 8 people to "try out" Yeah, me! You sing at one of 12 booths set up in the middle of the arena surrounded by 9 thousand people talking and 11 others singing around you. Of course I didn't make and they kick ya outa the building. So I was out there alone, cuz everybody else had to wait til their section... So I caught a taxi back to the hotel, had them make me a key, since the girls had the only keys. And waited. Well none of us made it. lol Which is totally cool. Cuz it was fun anyway. So later that night after some more Pho, we decided to hit a bar. They were determined to sneak me in, no necessary, nobody was checking ID's the bouncer was Drunk. lol We sang Karaoke for hours, drank, Never had to buy my own drink, there were plenty of eager gentleman. Woohoo! Hey, I'll take full advantage of that when the f#ing drinks are $9. So I met more cool people who wanted to hang out with us, The cook for the place, the bouncer, Dave another american Idolist. So we all went to Ihop. Well Hannah and Zadoc had had this adorable yet sickening flirtation going on the whole time, and when alcohol was added it turned into make out USA. So the Manager asked them to cool it and they head outside, cuz they don't wanna. Well about 10 mins goes by and Nigeria was like "Sarah get up now, go outside" So me and the cook run outside to see our two little rabbits surrounded by literally 20 guys. All taking pictures, video taping, groping, screaming. Scary. So I head in to try and seperate the two performers, and I start getting groped. Hands everywhere... Not funny anymore. So finally we get to them, and the cook has already hit to guys for touching me... Get them apart, cook takes hannah, I take Zadoc... Calm them down. We were gonna head back in but the angry (soon to find out) GANG members were no to pleased with me not being very cooperative with their filming. They wanted me to join. So they start cussin and throwing things at us, so needless to say we booked it. Took Nigeria home, took cook home who ended up having a HUGE crush on me, tried to kiss me about 4 times, after having asked me about the ring on my finger and me gushing about Chris. Finally snuck one on me, he went to hug hannah and kissed her on the cheek, turned to hug me and kissed me full on the lips, had to push him away. lol I was like dude, thanks for being the hero tonight, but I told you where I'm at... That was totally uncalled for. PISSED ME OFF. I felt guilty for something I didn't do. lol I got over it, but damn guys. BACK OFF. lol
Then we headed home the next morning. And that was our trip. Very little to do with american idol, as we were there for 3 days and spent about 8 hours of that devoted to AI. We plan on going next year, only to Vegas. :)Anyone to join?!
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