More graphics

Sep 29, 2005 05:05

Okie dokie... I'm trying out ImageShack for the first time to showcase my first Orlando wall. Remember ... this is the FIRST one of Orlando I've ever done, and the first time I've tried adding textures and stuff.... but please give feedback, good or bad! Can't get better without help/pointers/all around love. :)

So .... here it is:

One of the textures I used is by gflady2, and the pics were posted by lickacricket and others. :)

And I made some new icons last night but was too exhausted to post em, so here they are:

(And since there are only four, please forgive me for not cutting them...)


Sarah loves feedback! :) If you decide you'd like to snag anything I make, please comment and credit! :) I care more about comments than I do credit, but just never claim my stuff as your own. It's only fair!

I probably forgot to add this to my previous posts, but I never thought my posts would be linked anywhere. But my thanks to the person who linked me! I guess that means I'm getting a bit better at this graphic-making stuff! ;)

Hmmm.... I was thinking about starting to use tags, but I don't know how to. Dammit! For some reason I thought there was an option in Semagic. Oh well...

Oh, I took mom to see Corpse Bride tonight.... And I loved it! It's such a cute film, I recommend it! :) Victor playing piano ..... *sighs* Be still my heart! hehe

Have a great night!

*Edit - 5:20 AM* OK, I know I have to wake up in 6 hours to go to work. Blah....

Anyways, I'm watching the end of High High (21 Jumpstreet - season 3), and I just started laughing at the fact that the dude is performing into a SHURE microphone! (crumkie and I got to do a great project in Music Industry II for SHURE, and we rec'd spiffy sets of $110 earphones for it too!) :) More than 15 years later, and their large condensers still haven't changed! Heh
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