Mar 27, 2005 23:58
Just got back from Lee's. Went out there with Jul and Justin.. watched most of Troy with bunches of people. Good times. Had a nice Easter. Good food. Didn't go anywhere or do anything. And no one came here. It was just the four of us. I liked it.
K. First of all, can I just say that I never remember my dreams. NEVER. So today when I got home from church I went back to sleep. I had a dream and when I woke up I remembered most of it, not the beginning. But I couldn't even tell you the last time I remembered a dream. So I was pretty excited.
Ok, so this is what happened... (There was a bunch of stuff that must have happened before this, but I remember it from this part) A lot of my friends and I were at some type of amusement park. I distinctly remember Lee being there for some reason, and Frank, but there were a lot of people, all of our friends. We were riding this red rollercoaster, and everyone was really excited and laughing and stuff. The whole thing was just our friends, no one that we didn't know. So just as the rollercoaster gets to the top of the biggest hill, I fell out somehow. I don't really know how. But it wasn't like I fell down, I just fell out and there was grass right there at the top of the hill. So I watched as the rollercoaster went down the hill with all of my friends on it, and I saw them get off at the bottom and walk away. I started getting really upset and freaking out. I told the person running the ride at the top that I had to get on the next one right now because my friends were going to leave without me and I'd never see them again. For some reason there was this huge line of people at the top of the hill where I fell out. And this big black guy was at the front of the line. He started yelling at me and telling me that I couldn't just cut the line. And I said I had to because I was going to lose my friends. So I punched him. And I started fighting this huge black man. And his white girlfriend was just standing there laughing. And I kept punching him, and yelling that I had to get on this rollercoaster.
Then I woke up.
So tonight at Lee's I was telling Amy, Cara, Lee and Frank about my dream, because someone said something about dreams and I was really excited because this is the first one I've remembered in a really long time. And Frank tells me that he had a dream about a rollercoaster last night too, and that he fell out of it in his dream too. How weird is that?
So... you know me... I haven't been able to stop thinking about this stupid dream all night, even before Frank told me that, but even more since he did. What do dreams mean?
Maybe I feel like I really am going to lose all of my friends? Maybe I feel like things are going to go on without me and I'm going to be left behind? Why did I fight a huge black man? And why did Frank and I have similar dreams? Eww... it's so weird. I don't know. I'm going crazy. And I make huge deals about things that I shouldn't make huge deals about. But this is ridiculous.
Then I started thinking that maybe it had to do with college. That since Frank and I have pretty much decided to live at home and go to college close, that maybe that had something to do with it. I don't know. I'm reading into this way too much now. It's bothering me though. Ugh.
Alright. I guess I'm done. Please post with your thoughts. I'm really interested eveyones thoughts on this matter. Haha. Or if you think I'm just a huge wreck (which I am) than you could post that too.
Prom dress shopping round 2 tomorrow. Plus Cara and Bridge this time. Should be exciting.
Stay sweet. Much love.