Writing by the Numbers

Oct 17, 2012 17:03

Writing by the Numbers

I just sent The General and the Horse-Lord off to Dreamspinner for their consideration. One of the characters was trying to explain the basics of Algebra to a fourteen-year old. I did quite a bit of research, trying to figure out an interesting and unique way to understand algebra- for the character and myself- and since then, numbers and patterns have been popping up like daisies in my head. Here are some random numbers from the new story:

Number of words so far: 54,016

Number of cities in which I worked on the story: 9 (Koro Island, Suva, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Las Vegas, Sequoia National Park, Fresno, Berkeley, Fortuna)

Number of gay characters in the story: 4

Age of the two main characters: 48 and 52

Number of miles I walked, thinking about the story: (est) 37

Number of days from start to finish writing first draft: 47

Number of albums I downloaded to my Ipod during story: 7

Number of pizzas delivered during story: 9

Number of books purchased during the writing of this story: 11 (this number may be inflated by an excited trip to City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco)

Number of airplane flights during the writing of this story: 4

Number of flying machines in the story: 3- 2 helicopters and 1 hot air balloon

Number of new cars purchased during the writing of this book: 1

Number of manuscript pages: 132

Number of minutes after I sent the story to the publisher that I thought of the first revision: 12

Number of illness/injuries during the writing of the story: 2 blisters, 1 sunburn, 2 migraines, 1 near nervous breakdown, 1 bad stomach ache after going crazy at a fruit stand in the San Joaquin Valley

Number of peaches that I ate and dripped peach juice down my shirt: all of them

Number of times I thought about giving up and never writing again because my writing is crap: 1 okay 2 or 3

Number of trees hugged: 6, but they were Giant Sequoias

Number of homeless people spotted on the streets while walking around while writing this story: about 100

Number of miles driven in new car while writing this story: 1556

Number of times someone in the story used the word fuck: 28

Number of fathers and sons in the story: 3 pair

Number of times I tried to force myself to add more sex scenes, just a simple blow job, would that be so hard?:  about 100

Number of sex scenes: I don’t remember. Some. More than a few.

the general and the horse-lord

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