what do I miss?

Apr 12, 2005 16:03

I miss _______________.
  • living in a house with 2 floors and a back, front, side yard
  • living down the street from my Grandparents
  • having a cat to sit in my lap when I'm watching tv
  • helping watch the kids after school
  • the old holidays that were at my grandparents'
  • my 20 year old self
  • summers working at the camp
  • being able to eat anything in any amount at anytime without gaining anything
  • saturday morning cartoons
  • drawing by not using a computer
  • family vacations
  • seeing older members of my family that can't get out anymore
  • not knowing the value of money was and the responsibilites that come with it
  • the lab rats in 301, 303, 324, and 411
  • friends that have moved away to RI, NJ, and CA
  • talking to people on the phone as opposed to a couple of mins online
  • sitting on the porch late at night at the beach
  • making tents and forts in between our beds with my sister
  • Disney, it's not the same anymore
  • the world, the media, everything before 9-11
  • overtime pay
  • the butterflies of a new relationship
  • having close friends, not just aquaintances
  • making snowmen on a snowday
  • sitting on an inner tube in my pool
  • swinging in the backyard
  • sunday morning swims
  • mom playing with my hair everynight

I need to end this before I start getting depressed. Jared, why did you even come up with this entry to begin with?
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