The Baby

Jul 23, 2008 09:46

Today is a good day.

I don't think I told many of you this but when I had my last appointment with the midwife two weeks ago she was a little concerned because the baby was still head up (aka, breech) at 31 weeks. If the baby stayed breech, home birth would not be an option. Breech pretty much guarantees a C-section. While there was no need for panic (we still had a good 5 weeks before panic was necessary) she did feel that it was time to start taking action to convince the little one that NOW was the time to do her little flip. So I found a chiropractor trained in the Webster technique and I started practicing a posture called the breech tilt (referred to in my house as upside-down time). We stayed optimistic and did a lot of visualizing and talking to the munchkin.

Yesterday I had another appointment and when the midwife started palpating my belly, lo and behold, the baby was head down. Yay!

So all is good and Ted and I breathed a big sigh of relief.

The countdown is on, 7 weeks 'til baby time.
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