Election Day! Election Day!

Nov 04, 2008 09:13

I'm such a geek. I get so excited about elections. I couldn't sleep, and when I did, I dreamed about it. For me, its like christmas morning, and I know tonight I will be up til all hours watching every little result. I planned on getting up early to go get in line to vote before work. But apparently my alarm is the only clock that wasn't changed for day-light savings, and I didn't actually plan to get up at 4. Ah well, it gave me time to confirm my picks for all the small positions, like water and soil supervisor and supreme court justices. (call out - absolutely vote for Paul Anderson, he's running against a scary scary right wing conservative nutcase Tim Tingelstad. We don't need any more conservative judges)(and go for Mara Magnuson Humphrey for water and soil, she's also the non-scary conservative one) (but if you have to take only one thing on faith from me, vote for Paul H. Anderson) I got in line with my neighbors around 6:30, and had my confirmation sticker by 7:15. (I got there early enough that I was near the front of the line, but by the time the polls opened, the line was out the building, down the sidewalk, up the hill, and looping around the playground. Yowza) Did you know that little red sticker will get you a cup of free Starbucks brewed coffee, a star-shaped doughnut with red, white, and blue, sprinkles from Krispy Cream, and free ice cream from Ben and Jerry's (between 5and 8pm). I love that everyone else feels as festive about today as I do, and while I'm not going to be able to take advantage of any of the offers, its still fun. Tonight my family and I are having a little celebration, I'm making guacamole and buying festive sodas, my mother created a scorecard, and we have some left over wedding champagne if things go right. I love election day. Its such a day of hope. I feel asleep last night thinking about baby Tavie, and about how when she is a hundred and two, in the year 2110, her grandkids and great-grandkids are going to be so impressed that she was old enough to have been born now. To have been alive at this time, no matter what happens, its a historic moment thats going to be taught in school. And it is a very odd feeling falling asleep knowing in advance that tomorrow (today) is history. That's very rare, knowing that these moments are going to be remembered. And hopefully, world changing.

And, I'm excited, because in my 7 voting years, I've never actually voted for a winner. Ever. Not once. I don't expect all my candidates will get their seats, but I'm pretty sure I'll get at least ONE winner. Hopefully. It would nice to be on the winning side for once...

EDITED: NIGEL IS WRONG, WRONG, WRONG about Tingelstad. Do not vote for him! He tried to boot my beloved Justice Alan Page out of office for being pro-choice! Tingelstad is pro-life, conservative, political, with a 'prayer clock' on his campaign website, and HE NAMED HIS GOLF CLUB AFTER A BIBLE PASSAGE. Vote Paul H. Anderson!

EDITED EDITED: "[Tingelstad] is unabashedly religious, and says on his website that “today’s concept of ‘separation of church and state’ does not come from the Constitution,” and that the U.S. Constitution was founded upon Biblical principles.

Tinglestad’s site also contains many Bible verses and states that “As God’s Word has been removed from our public lives, the resulting darkness has led to our present social disorder and political divisions. The correction of these problems will only begin when the Light of Truth is returned to our land’s highest hills, the Supreme Courts.”" (http://www.mndaily.com/2008/10/28/people’s-court)
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