(no subject)

Jun 30, 2006 22:35

Ten People You Have Spoken To In the Past 48 Hours
1) maryanna
2) brooke
3) lauren
4) taylor
5) carol
6) austin
7) thomas
8) lizzie
9) mom
10) kimsey

Nine Bands You Would Like To See In Concert
1) panic at the disco
2) TI
3) the veronicas
4) the donnas
5) the all american rejects
6) mariah carey
7) kelly clarkson
8) beyonce
9) kenny chesney

Eight Things You Watch On TV
1) sweet 16
2) yo mama
3) fabulous life of
4) what not to wear
5) untold stories of the er
6) the weather channel
7) friends
8) gilmore girls

Seven Worries On Your Mind
1) summers halfway over
2) my uncle is dying
3) there will be more drama in eigth grade
5) i have braces until january
6) trying hard not to be mean to my ex boyfriend
7) my legs wont stop hurting

Six Friends You Trust
1) carol
2) maggie
3) lauren
4) maryanna
5) brooke
6) katie f

Five Memories You Like To Remember
1) how many food fights me and carol started in fifth grade
2) going to new york with southern strut
3) lakehouse
5) daytonaa.

Four Websites You Visit Everyday
1) livejournal
2) email
3) american eagle
4) your mom.

Three Things You Did Today
1) woke up
2) ate
3) sat

Two Songs Stuck In Your Head
1) pump it
2) do it to it
One Love In Your Life
1) {put answer here}
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