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Feb 20, 2005 20:20

Okay so this break was CRAZYYYY!!!! Great times im not gonna lie :) it kinda fell apart after friday nite though :(

TuesDay 2.15.05 :D
MY BIRTHDAY BABIIII!!!!! iit was all around a fucked up day lol. Started off at like 1 Me n Jac hung out wiith sum old friiends, MiiKey J. & JoSh & Lance- got fukced up wiith them ;). Then diid sum runing around went to Gags n' giifts [whiich was Fuckiing hiilarious by tha way] then went home showered n' everythiing. Mom gave me my LV purse whiich wwas friicken awesome!!!!!!! then Me Liiana n' Jac went to Jay b's n drankk tha resta tha 5th ii had. Yep Fucked up lol. So we then proceeded to tha game whiich was amusiing. then left at half time n waiited fer tha ladiies then went to Samms. Biirthday shots wiith EVERYONE iit seemed like lol Soo by 10:30 ii was all messed up. So many ppl there whiich was awesome, but then Samms Dad found out n' we all had to leave. but Back up to Tom Spears HizZy!! That was alota fun, but arouind 12:30 we all went to Wendys where Me n Jaclyn got a lil siick ; but then iit was str8 So Liiana went to Larsons n' ii ended up goiin 2 Tonys round 2:30 n had a GREAT tiime wiith him fer shure :)

So overall iit was tha greatest biirthday EVERRR!!!! Thanks 2 everyone!!!

Wednesday 2.16.05
a liil on tha siick side :X So ii layed around all day n shiit, then Tom spear was supose ta b haviin ppl over but iit wasnt fun SO mE Jac n Liiana drove around n got fucked up so iit was niice :) Relaxiing dayy fa sho!!

Thursday 2.17.05
diidn't do much duriing tha day but ii worked whiich fuckiin sucked by tha way. ii cant stand some certaiin ppl there so iits no fun anymore :( but w/e fuck that. got off earlii n went to ray's gramas- then Jac called n ii went to get her ;) Sarr called us on tha way back n told us Jay b was haviin ppl over so we hiit it up fa sho. ii Love all of them :) ii jus was there tiil like 1:15 then bounced.

Friiday 2.18.05 :(
b4 tha game Me Jess n Liiana met up wiith Heather, Chas, & MaLl. . .n me liiana split a pint of Soco ;) Drankkk so much b4 tha game so ii was jus hammered!! So at tha game ii was mingling wiith every1 ya kno haviin fun. then we left & ii drank a lil more on tha way back. Then we went to Pitaos fer awhiile n of course Me n Liiana finiished tha pint. YEePp TaNkeD!!! then Every1 headed to Tom Spears whiich was BUMPIIN. So many ppl theree ; from 03' 04' 05 & 06 classes. iit was nuts, got outa control made a miistake. So tony found out n' biitched me out & now he wont talk to me :(

ii wiish he knew how drunk ii was. iim reallii Sorry n' ii Love him :( ii hope everything wiiLl b okay soon but idk bout thiis one, hes not takiin it too well.

TONY VELEZ ii Love u!!!

weLp , thats iit yo;
Speciiall thankks ta all my ladiies who have been Great 2 me. u kno who u are!!!!
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