nit-picks & inconsistencies

Sep 02, 2008 16:25

Sarah Palin is a product of the liberal feminist movement. She worked her "way up" from PTA/Hockey mom to senator of Alaska. So, Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Of course, Palin is being trashed for being the mother of a several-month-old child while at the same time anticipating grandparenthood. The liberals are screaming. But isn't it the liberals who scream to protect welfare/single/unwedded/no-job mommies (like Barak Obama's mama)? Of course, Bush's brood was unsettled in the beginning, and there was gab about that. But no one cared about Gore's son and his DUI the day before the Democrat Convention. Both men might not quite understand the lifestyles of the middle-to-lower-working-class poor. McCain does not know how many houses he owns. Obama lives in a two million dollar home and just returned from a vacation in Hawaii. Sure, McCain appointed a woman to be his running mate, which is smart. Probably makes Obama wish he had chosen Billary. McCain appointed a woman who (seems) to have more experience than Obama. Wasn't Obama only in Senate for 100(something) days before running for President? The fact that Palin is a hard-working woman and has a child and has a child having a child...makes her seem so much more human, likeable, and able to empathize with the American lifestyle(s).

But I could be wrong. God knows I'm good at being that.
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