Nov 08, 2011 21:41
Oh, I love this moment. The one where you realize you've been furiously plotting all over a random piece of paper for the last half hour and what you wrote there is the best, the most epic and awesome way ever to write that big climactic scene, tie all your story strands into one, beautiful, interwoven knot and your story will be the best story ever written.
I had, until this afternoon, pretty much these four words substituting for the big, action-packed reveal: "interesting things happen here." I knew where I wanted everyone to be in the end, but I had pretty much no idea how to maneuver them there.
Yesterday I wrote the very last scene before the big one. Without a plan, I knew I wouldn't get any further, so when I had the first inklings of a muse kiss, I pinned that sucker down on paper. And that opened the floodgates, 'cause in the span of maybe two dozen minutes, I had wrapped up more plot points than I even knew I had before. Of course, the new ideas meant some ret-conning, maybe a prior plot point shifted somewhere else on the timeline or another one added in.
But I can now happily, ecstatically tell you this: Stupid Girls is going to rock. Fast-paced action, heart-wrenching emotions, I got it all, wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a clever con game, with an extra serving of snark on top.
Current word count: over 28000. I won't make it to 50k with this story, not in its first draft anyways, but I already have most of the second book planned out, so I'll write that when I'm done with Stupid Girls.