Another week down...

Mar 19, 2007 17:06

I can't believe it's been over a week since I last said anything here - time goes very quickly here in Swindon!

What have I been up to? Well today I painted. It got to (/got volunteered to) tag along with a group of year 11s from Headlands as they did a task for their citizenship GCSE. So we all trundled down to a church on one of Parks (One of the estates) and did some painting for them. Needless to say, by the end of the day, it was hard to figure out what had more paint on it, the walls or the Headlands guys, lol. I, however, managed to stay pretty much paint free, apart from my hands and hair (yeuch), thanks to Simon's ever so attractive overalls lol. I always like to look fashionable while working :P

Other than that, last week was just a manic blur of assemblies, lunch clubs, and youth groups. On Friday night though we had Live & Loud, our monthly youth outreach event. So we did a Red Nose Day special. Messy games included 'The Baked Bean game' (aka fishing Harribo out of a bucket of cold Baked Beans, with just your teeth... mmmm!) and 'Strawberry Sauce drop' (basically, one yp pouring strawberry sauce all over another yp's face whilst aiming to fill up a cup!). It went really well and we had about 40 yps there which was awesome. But it was my turn to do the talk, which was, well, nerve wracking. It's funny because I'm not normally that bad with talks - I don't mind standing up in front of people at all. But this time I just felt completely at sea, like I wasn't sure what God wanted me to say at all. I think the talk was pretty challenging and positive in the end , which I'm sure is why I had such a battle getting to it. It was based on the theme of 'Happiness' and 'Wants vs needs'. Even though I didn't necessarily see many yps openly responding to it, I just hope it's a message that'll come back to them one day, when stuff comes up in their lives. God knows what he's doing!

Things are still pretty tough at the minute, because illness-wise I'm still far from right. It's a lot better from the begining of last week, when I was just hopeless. But please do continue to pray as I really don't feel great still. Am just holding on to collapse at Easter in two weeks time (can't wait!)

Hoping everyone back home is doing ok etc.

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