the car gods hate me

Aug 12, 2009 18:54

car got scraped up, again. not my fault, again. possibly happened in my own driveway, again. same exact damage (maybe a bit more severe), again. signs all point to the old dude, who denies it this time. argh.

it *could* have happened at work, but i feel it's a very slim chance. the damage pattern is the same, with the scrapes indicating the other car was moving sideways across the car. for that to happen in the garage or lot at work is impressive; if anything happened there, i would think it'd be on the sides of my car.

regardless, there's no proof of anything, and so i get to have insurance deal with it all. just what i want to do, go get another estimate and have my car get fixed, again. and amid all this, i got accosted by the other neighbor, who went on a rant about how the cars from our building are blocking the communal driveway. DUDE. i know! i park in that area too, and the downstairs neighbor's car (the worst offender, mostly) is just too big to park there. and then he went into a complaint about how the snowplows screw up the spaces because they push the gravel up, blocking the spaces. uh yeah. people you know park there too, so maybe instead of whining you could DO something?! at least your car hasn't been hit. twice!



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