Sep 19, 2008 10:11

But only temporarily. I'm currently at school, though not going to class, in order to get on the internet. I've got so much I want to say and do and I'm hoping I can get it done all today.

First of all *huggles* I love you guys. Your comments really helped me a lot. I'll try to be as through as I can.

As I left off on Friday we evacuated to my sister's apartment in Huntsville, Texas and by now it had shifted and went up I-45. We mostly slept through the night with the wind being bad but not too bad. We didn't lose power until six o'clock on Saturday. When we woke up there wasn't much damage in Huntsville, just a lot of leaves and trees down. A couple of trees fell on houses but other then that there wasn't so much damage just the pain of the electricity being out. We ate what we could from my sister's refrigerator and freezer simply because we knew that the food would spoil in a few days.

Behind the girl's apartment complex there is a church where the Red Cross set up giving supplies and we got ice, water, and heater meals. Which is this weird food you can heat up with out a microwave or heat. It comes with it's own heating pack plus stocked with peanut butter, fruit snack, m&ms, and lemon tea. Saturday was spent trying to stay cool in the heat of a small apartment holding five adult people.

By Sunday my Mother and my Father had decided that we wanted to try and return home especially since Mother wanted to be home before her surgery that was if her surgery hadn't been canceled. A lot of the elective surgeries where. Despite some maneuvering we managed to get home to Pearland Sunday afternoon and discovered that aside from a few shingles and my loose screen the house suffered no damage. Some of our neighbors where not so lucky. One had a hole punched through his room and the house next to us had a lot of roof damage and of course there was no power.

However, by Sunday afternoon the cold front had come in and all we had to do was open the window and we had cool air throughout the entire house. We also went to our neighbors house for the barbecue. What he did was ask anyone who had frozen meat that was going to spoil and bring it to his house and we would cook it. We all sat around exchanging information with each other and talking and eating. There was a ton of food. Hamburgers, chicken, beef ribs, sausage, boudain, roast and potatoes, and numerous sides including rice. It was nice to be able to sit and eat without worry for once.

Monday morning my mother went for her surgery and they went ahead and did it. Despite the doctor saying it was a difficult surgery he managed to get it all through her neck. What it was a growth on her thyroid. She stayed in the hospital for two days recovering but was alright. I wasn't able to go visit her until Tuesday but she felt better for having the surgery. The only thing that upset her was the fact that her doctors for the past three years had never seen the growth and she only found out about it this year.

On Monday evening we got our power back and it stayed on so by Tuesday my sisters decided to come home since they still didn't have power and their school had been canceled for the week. That was something that made me mad. UH decided that classes would resume and for a while there I was pissed off. With the wait for gas being anywhere between two to three hours I couldn't believe that they wanted us to go up there. Luckily we found out that they were non-mandatory classes so if you couldn't go you didn't have to.

I've spent all of Wednesday and Thursday at home with everyone helping to take care of Mom and just hanging out. Our internet is still out as we have cable internet and Comcast has no idea when service will be restored so until then school is the only place I can get on the internet. While I'll start going to classes regularly on Monday I have no idea when I'll get back to work as there is a lot of damage to San Jac.

Okay, now pictures. I didn't have time to re-size them so their huge and will probably be slow to load. But their only thumbnails so you can click on them to get the huge version.

The view from outside my sister's apartment after Ike.

The only damage around us was branches down.

The Red Cross passing out supplies at the church. It was literally right behind the girls apartment.

That little red cross has never been so comforting.

The heater meals.

Oh, ice! On Monday I had searched for ice all over Pearland but couldn't find any.

Bottled water. The volunteers did a good job in getting people in and out really fast.

Vegetarian Pasta Fragoli. XD

This was on the way back to Pearland. All the bayous and creeks flooded really bad.

One thing I've learned being a Texan. Don't ever attempt to go through the high water!

It seemed the billboards and signs got the worse of it.

On the way we home we had to do some quick maneuvering since parts of I-45 where still closed.

A whole bunch of neighborhoods where stuck and couldn't get out to get supplies until the water went down.

More water.

People went out Saturday and Sunday looking for supplies and gas despite the Mayor asking people to stay inside.

Out of all the buildings outside the JP Morgan Chase building got the worse of it. The windows broke and office furniture, documents, and glass littered the downtown area bad enough that they had to close it off.

Another damaged billboard.

I'm not sure but I know they were giving out supplies.

The lines for the HEB were crazy. Not to mention how much damaged the front had.

Signals where down all over the city.

The little trees where all bent the same way. This amused me more then it should.

And of course stop signs where bent.

This use to the scoreboard for the high school stadium. There also was a lot of damaged to their buildings.

In our neighborhood roof damage seemed the only really problem.

This was the neighbor who organized the barbecue.

This is what it looked like on the inside. They had a lot of water damage.

Our next door neighbor.

Our front yard with all the pieces of roofing in the yard.

And the backyard. We had part of the fence fall down, lots of roofing everywhere, and of course my screen there.

More roofing and the fence.

We don't think everything was just from our neighbor since there was so much of it.

The sky Monday evening during the barbecue.

And the sunset.

Yep, food and barbecue sauce. XD

Everyone had their dogs out and sat around eating and drinking.

Power line polls also leaned and snapped in some places.

This is the park close to our house. While most of the trees where okay there were branches and leaves everywhere.

The neighbor hood by the park got a good amount of damage especially with fences.

Trees where the biggest problem.

If you look in the middle just above the second car you can see a power line pole that snapped in half and is bending towards the left.

This pole had snapped off and was literally hanging by the the power lines.

Little Pearland gas station that got totaled.


The church steeple got knocked off.

Another picture of the park and the clean up.

Signals still up, sort of, with power.

Walmart that had no fresh anything.

As of this morning over 1 million people still do not have power.

In other news we have a tv that gets the basic channels. Supernatural season 4 first episode killed me! New DBSK album and new Salyu album FTW! Until Monday that is all. :D

hurricane ike

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