Stupid post! I was almost done with it and I was back spacing a space that wasn't suppose to be there and it when back to the home page T_______T
My Takki Enbujou DVD finally came!! XDDDDDD It's really shiny LOL 0.0 here are the pictures from the booklet! (I got to use my new "arcsoft photostudio" program that came with our new printer/scanner ^^ the booklet is matted so the pictures were really grainy but I used the blur enhancer and it fixed it up really well imo)...lj and photobucket are really pissing me off today LOL the stupid image thing isn't working so you'll have to click on the links -_-; Here's what the front of the DVD looks like (sort of...the pink color is a little distorted so you can't really tell the difference between the branches and the sakuras, but there is) ^_^ Mom and I are going to watch Enbujou later tonight ^___^ I can't wait! though I don't think I'll be able to understand most of it, but it hasn't stopped me before, ne ; )
It's been raining here again -_- we had like 2 inches this least we aren't in a drought like we have been for the past what, 4 or 5 years? something like that...
Yesterday and today I've been having an allergic reaction to something that's making my skin really itchy -__-; I took benadryl yesterday which usually stops the itching for me but it didn't do jack squat except make me sleep o_0 My mom thinks that it could be the blanket I've been using didn't have all of the detergent out of it from when she washed it because it's a thick blanket, so I've switched blankets....other than that, I can't really think of anything else that would make me do this unless I've become allergic to the detergent itself -.- Last night I only got 3 hours of sleep because my arms, feet, and legs were itchy and that I have a lot ot thoughts flooding my head when I try to go to sleep so I try to drown it out with music but it didn't help that much last night...I dunno if it'd make me feel better if I wrote out the thoughts here, but I'm sure ya'll don't want to read some long emo post from me ^.^; so basically it's the thoughts that: I'm really terrified of dying, I'm terrified of being alone, I feel as if I'm not loved/no one really cares about me (though I know that's not true, my family loves me, etc. but I just feel that way), I wonder if someone will ever love me, I feel like I'm the ugliest person around (though I know I'm not, I feel like it), I miss my pet bird that died in Feb (I taught him to talk and whistle so now it's really quiet/lonely in my room, and he'd always cheer me up and when I'd play T&T in the CD player, he'd dance to their songs and I miss seeing him do that plus I sort of feel like it's my fault that he died since it was after I switched bird seed brands, though my family and I think it could've had that poisoned wheat gluten in it that killed the dogs, but we'll never know since we threw the seed away)...stuff like that -_- see, emo right? LOL somehow I'll figure out how to deal with these thoughts, I guess...if yall have any suggestions, please tell ^^
anyways, I'm happy that Tsubasa got his hair trimmed cut....though I'm not really liking the buzzed side -.- I didn't really like it on Takki, either, but it's not like it's totally ugly on both of them, but I like it better when it's not buzzed on the side ^.^
I'm also happy that they got to sing Samurai at the JP all-stars halftime game and I thought it was sweet that the baseball players were clapping happily when they were done singing ^___^ I thought they sang really well XD
Oh! Mom and I have started watching Yoshitsune XD it reminds me a lot of Inuyasha (probably because it was set in the same time period and that the opening song sounds like one of the songs in Inuyasha ^^), it seems like a good drama so far, we just got to the part where little yoshitsune turns into Takki yoshitsune in the river ^.^
Oh, and my friend Taisuke in Japan met one of his old friends at a piano recital and her younger brother is in JOHNNY'S ENTERTAINMENT!! 0___0 and he got to meet him, but knowing guys, they don't give out good descriptions/ I'm asking him what the boy's name is. when I first read that I was like WHAT?!?!?!? 0.0 cuz isn't it hard to meet Jjrs/JE boys nowadays? dangit...only if he got me an autograph....doesn't really matter who it was, at least I could say I have an autograph from a Jjr/JE boy XD oh well ^^
I'll write later, k?