So I felt like posting some recent pictures I took...
Dame ^_^
one of my roses from my rose bush
my cousin gave me a clay thingy she got in Tennessee that you put oil in and light a wick that burns the oil
the sky seen from a puddle...
Green leaves!!
Green grass! XD
A butterfly that LOVES our car with a passion LOL he/she's always on it every year for like 10 years (probably not the same butterfly, maybe its babies)
sunset through the storm clouds
if you can see in the bottom left corner there's the moon ^_^
Storm clouds from this evening....
So, I'm getting really pissed off at my big brother, he's wanting to bring his gf to my cousin's wedding and when my mom asked about my brothers bringing their gfs to the wedding, they said they were already over booked, but my big brother is being INSISTANT that his gf come to it too! grrr...I dunno, maybe I'm being bitchy thinking that only family should go to it, but it's my cousin's wedding!! I think this should be her speacial day and no one should ruin it or bring more people than they can fit. Anyway, I'll write later because mom is wanting to watch Lunch Queen...