(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 09:29

1. bed
2. books
3. computer
4. tv
5. dresser
6. sterio
7. desk (for computer)

1. chicken
2. mashed potatoes
3. milk
4. brownies
5. veggies
6. cheese
7. water

1. God
2. Jesus
3. Friends
4. Family
5. Church
6. Bible
7. Music

1. Help touch people's lives with God

DO YOU (seven other things):
1. Believe in God? yes
2. Had a dream come true? um i'm not sure
3. Read the newspaper? not very much
4. Pray? yeah
5. Have a job? no
6. Attend church? yeah
7. Wish on shooting stars? no

1. Gone skinny dipping? yeah
2. Had surgery? my wisdom teeth
3. Swam in the dark? yes
4. Been to a Bonfire? yes
5. Ran away from home? no
6. Played strip poker? no
7. Pulled an all nighter? yes lol.. i remember when me and Kelsi stayed up all night and played monopoly! lol

1. Cried? yeah
2. Sang? yeah
3. Been kissed? no
4. Felt stupid? yeah
5. Talked to an ex? no
6. Missed someone? yeah.
7. Hugged someone? no

12 things that annoy you
1. my hair

2. when people are stuborn when you try to help them

3. Comments that people make about others

4. When you get a ton of homework and have no idea how to do any of it lol... That happened quite often with Me Teri nikki and Chelsey lol with math and stuff lol.

5. when people are hypocritical

6. When you try to read something and are asked to do something every time you get to a good part

7. commercials

8. When people lie and you can tell tehy are

9. When people bring stuff up and then leave you hangin

10. When you try to find something when it's right in front of your face teh whole time

11. When other people do my laundry and shrink everything

12. pets

11 people you want to hang out with
1. Aryn that reminds me... let me know when you are going shopping tomorrow

2. Nikki

3. Danielle

4. Teri

5. Melissa

6. Abby

7. Jennifer

8. Amanda

9. Aunt kathy


11.Jacob, uncle jerry

10 words/phrases you overuse
1. I don't know    (thats one of the phrases)

2. that's nice

3. sounds good

4. are you kidding?

5. no kidding

6. duh

7. goodnessness

8. who knows

9. obviously

10. that's just about dumb

9 things you wear daily
1. glasses
2. neckless
3. shirt
4. sprayie stuff
5. shoes
6. lotion
7. hair ties
8. pants
9. under clothes

8 movies you'd watch over and over
1. Gracie's Choice
2. Homeless to Harvard
3. Dawn Anna
4. Evil has a Face

7 objects you touch every day
1. Bible
2. Alarm clock
3. pillow
4. dog
5. cat
6. blanket
7. Cd's

6 things you do everyday
1. read my bible
2. pray
3. talk to friends... online mostly
4. brush my teeth 
5. listen to music
6. talk to at least one person about God

5 things you couldn't live without
1. God
2. Jesus
3. Friends
4. Bible
5. Family

4 of your favorite songs at the moment
1. Come home Running
2. Holy is the Lord
3. Here I am to worship
4. Heart of Worship

3 people/things that have influenced your life the most
1. Aunt Betty
2. Jesus
3. EVERYONE who teaches or has me about God-

2 people who know everything about you
1. Aryn 
2. and i dont know

1 person you couldn't live without..

1. Jesus

First best friend: Either Aryn or Teri
First car: nothin yet
First screen name: sad_lillyfrog and sad_wonderfrog and sadgummy lol 
First self purchased album: I dont know
First pets: cat... dusty
First piercing/tattoo: when i was like 6
First credit card: never
First enemy: lol... i think we all hated Garland when we were little lol

Last cigarette: couple years or so ago
Last car ride: yesterday when i went to Taylor
Last good cry: I dont know
Last library book checked out: no idea
Last movie seen: Proud Family Movie
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: pizza
Last crush: Jeremy
Last phone call: Aslee
Last time showered: Last night
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last CD played: one i just made
Last item bought: folders
Last annoyance: Petey
Last disappointment: yesterday... j enelle
Last time wanting to die: i dont know
Last time scolded: i dunno
Last shirt worn: the one i'm wearing now...
Last website visited: this one girls live journal that i got this out of
Last word you said: yea
Last song you sang: Comin' home - Grits

What is in your cd player?: VBS songs
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What's under your bed?: a bed
What time did you wake up today?: 7:49

Where do you want to go?: I don't know
What is your career going to be?: not sure
Where are you going to live?: some where
How many kids do you want?: i dont know some
What kind of car(s)?: ..dont care

Current mood: dizzy
Current music: Here we go Grits
Current taste: pizza sauce
Current hair: all pulled back
Current clothes: pj pants and shirt
Current annoyances: nothing
Current longing: i dont know
Current desktop picture: 3 nails + 1 cross = 4 given
Current favorite artist: Chris Tomlin
Current book(s): Bible and Apollyon
Current color of toenails: normal

My name is: Sarah
I may seem: i don tknow bored?
Sometimes I feel: sad
In the morning I: take a shower
Money: trying to save a little but i need to buy an anneversery wow i don't know how to spell that.. i have to buy that kinda card for my uncle and aunt
One thing I wish I had is: I'm happy with what i've got
If I had one wish it would be: I dont know
If a demon crashed into my window I would: scream...
If I could see one person right now it would be: i don't know I want to see a lot of poeple right now
Something I want but I don't really need is: a lot of things
Something I need but I don't really want is: I dont know
I live for: God
I am afraid of: some poeple... i dont know

Color: bright colors
Food: taco salad
Song: Jesus Freak ... i guess
School subject: i dont know right now
Animal: frog
Outfit: i dont know
Radio station: 88.1
Movie: Gracie's Choice
Pair of shoes: I don't know
Holiday: Easter
Perfume/cologne: Smile
Pizza topping: ham
Website: www.fbcofmonroe.8m.net www.livejournal.com/users/sarah_sardine and some more
Number: i dunno
Season: I dont know

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets: green right now
What color are your bedroom walls: green
Do you have posters on your wall:  kinda
Do you have a tv in your bedroom: yes
How many pillows are on your bed: 5
What do you normally sleep in: shirt, pants
What size bed do you have: twin
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: daybed? i dont know what it is bu t i know if don't have the other kinda beds
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: I did
How many people can sleep comfortably in your bed: i have two beds

have you ever....
Mooned anyone: I don tknow
Swear at a teacher: no.. only in my dreams
Got in a fight: yeah
Dated a teacher: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: yeah
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: yeah
Broken the law: yes- yea
Been on an airplane: no
Got to ride on a firetruck: I didn't ride it in.. but the frist time my house caught on fire the guys let me nad like some of my friends crawl through the front
Gave someone a piggy back ride: yeah last time was Garrick!
Felt like you didn't belong: yeah but i get over it
Smoked: yeah
Done drugs: no
Been arrested: no
Had your tonsils removed: no
Gone to camp: no well i went camping but not like a camp like whatever

Name:: Sarah
Age:: 15
Height:: 5'6
Hair Color:: brown/red
Eye Color:: brown
School Life
What's your school's mascot?: Bear
School color(s)?: blue and gold
G.P.A.?: 3.2 or higher
Who is your favorite teacher?: gemmel or cox
What do they teach?: mrs gemmel teaches math and mrs cox taught all
Is this your favorite class?: i don't know
Do you use any instant messengers?: yea
If so, which ones?: aim, yahoo,  msn
About how many hours a day do you spend online?: more than enough
Do you have a digital camera?: yeah...
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?: some
Do you play any instruments?: no
If so, what one(s)?:
3 Favorite Genres Of Music:: rock, rap, easy listening
3 Favorite Bands:: TFK FFH Mercy me 
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: no
[b]Word Association[/b]
Blue:: cheese
Camera:: shy
Boy:: friend
Pretty:: ugly
Pants:: jeans
Music:: songs
God:: Creator
Sweater:: hoodie
Live Journal:: diary
MTV:: crappy
Labels: rude
Do you think labels are dumb?: yeah
What do people label you as?: i try not to label people
How/Why did you get this label?: ^
[b]Which Is Worse? [/b]
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: Emotional
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: Good Charlotte
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: being deaf
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: bored
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?: arm 
War: Good or Bad?: depends what you are fighting for
What do you think of designer labels?: dont care
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: i dont know
What is it with guys and cars?: i dont know..
Do you sing?: sometimes
Kiss or hug?: hug
What color is your room?: green
How old is your mom?: step mom is 46 or 47?
Black and white or color photos?: both cool
Who cuts your hair?: i dont know
What color is your toothbrush?: white and pink 
What color is your hair brush?: purple
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: huh?
What color to people tells you looks nice on you?: dark ones
What color do you think looks nice on you?: i dont know
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: clothes
Who do you sit with at lunch? i dont know i'm hoping like Sammy and Aryn or something
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: no
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: i dont know
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: yes
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Debbie
What did you and that person do?: shopped in Taylor
Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)?: yeah some times
How often do you bathe?: once a day
Are you a people-pleaser?: i dont know
Do you dye your hair regularly?: no
What about your eyebrows?: no
Do you wear makeup?: no
If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female?: yes but these aren't numbered so i dunno
[/b]About You[/b]
Name?: Sarah
Age?: 15
State you live in?: Michigan
How many siblings you have?: 2 step brothers 2 deceased 
Are your parents divorced?: no
Age you wish you were?: I dont know
color?: bright ones
food?: taco salads
movie?: Gracies Choice
book?: Bible
place to eat?: i dont know lol Cracker Barrel lol aryn
gum?: ice breakers
season?: i dunno
[b]Have you ever[/b]
smoked ciggerettes?: yeah
done drugs?: no
drank alchohol?: no
had sex?: no
[b]When was the last time you[/b]
cried?: um...
laughed?: today
hugged someone?: um one day when my aunt kathy went to work
gone skinny dipping?: when i was little like 5
said a bad word?: it's been a while
hit someone?: i dont know but i accidenly pushed Katie off the couch the other night

I'm done lol.. I think thats enough for now.. bye

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