oatmeal-marshmallow -sandwich-cookie-....things

Aug 12, 2005 23:19

ok, this is for the girls: when you are not having a very good day, you know- one of those days where you are just an emotional wreck and you have no idea why, even if there is a reason, you just don't feel like it should be that big of a deal, and you don't want to do anything except sleep and you have no appetite (well, actually most girls have their biggest appetite in days like this, but i don't. i guess i just reach a point where i don't really care about anything, even food.) anyway, when nothing seems to help, not even shoes or clothes or shopping ;-) you should eat an oatmeal-marshmallow-sandwich-cookie-thing. it's amazing how, for that three minutes, all of your heartaches, problems, worries, all of those just disappear. sure, it comes back, but all you have to do is eat another one. just make sure you space them out well enough to where you don't run out too soon, and you don't get sick.


ok, this is for everybody now. even the dudes. my poor brother...his first day of highschool was today. it was just the freshmen orientation thingy, so all they did was have mass and then a tour of the school. poor kid, he is so shy. he has trouble talking to boys he doesn't know, and it doesn't help that they are not really like him. you see, he is not the type of boy who is like sex-crazed, swearing, breaking the rules, and stuff like that. he is a real sweetheart who cares about his faith and morals and respects girls and everything. i dont really know how to explain it....he doesn't fit in, but the thing is, i don't want him to. i dont want him to be like the other boys, so i guess he just needs to learn how to be himself around them, and they need to learn to respect him. i know that if he was his real self around people, they would love him. he's a really funny kid, he makes me laugh so hard! and he is really nice and thoughtful, but i worry about him....

so we went to pick my bro up from school today (me and my mom), and i stopped in the bookstore to pick up my books for school. as we were paying for them, i had this urge to ask about a job. i don't know why, but i just kind of randomly said, "hey, i was wondering if there was a job opening around the college or something, like maybe in this bookstore?" :-) and the lady was like "could you start immediately?" i was so shocked, mostly because i never expected to go in there and get a job, and i don't have a job yet, but she sounded really interested in hiring me.....so i gave her my number and she said she just has to talk to this one lady and she will give me a call. so, we'll see. but there was a lady standing behind us, and she was like "oh, you're a smart girl- getting a job at an all-boys school!" lol well, that's not at all what i was thinking, i mean after all, the college is co-ed, but hey! it could never hurt, working with a bunch of guys around, right? they're all younger than me, anyway. so don't think i will be like around a bunch of hotties or anything, half of them probably havent gone through puberty yet. hahaha jk but still, i might have a job. at my college. no gas money. yay!
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