(no subject)

Jul 29, 2005 18:06

ok, let's see....well, today i have been packing to go to maine, and now i am taking a break from trying to fit all my crap in my suitcase......we will be gone 10 days, so i have to bring a lot of stuff!! and, we are camping and also driving forever, so basically i need a lot of extra stuff that i wouldn't normally bring. i am bringing like 7 books (when you are driving for 10 hours straight with your family, you can get a lot of reading done). i am also bringing my whole cd collection which has grown considerably in the last month or so. it seems that every time i go somewhere, i stop at borders of fye and buy a cd or 2.
what else....i mowed the lawn today. yes, i, sarah, mowed the lawn. (come on, guys, i am not THAT lazy!) haha anyway, i don't really mind mowing the lawn. it is actually a pretty good workout, and you can get a tan at the same time.....sort of. and i only had to mow the front yard. way back in the day, i used to mow the back yard. that is because i was bigger, taller, and stronger than my brother. see, our backyard is on a hill, so it is a real pain in the butt to mow. actually, it is more like a pain in the arms lol, but anyway, now that he is like twice my size, he has to mow it. that is the plus of having a big little brother :-) the only thing i really hate about mowing the lawn is emptying the bag. you end up getting grass all over you, and since you are all sweaty, it is totally disgusting. yeah. and i don't really like how it smells.
so, after that, i took a shower, took my bro to the bank, took him to get his glasses fixed, and we went to borders (where, of course, i bought a couple of cds.) so yeah. that was my day, and i will probably get in trouble for being online right now, because i am supposed to be packing and helping my mom, but that's ok.
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