ஃ application

May 30, 2009 23:28

Canon Character Application
Player Name: Anna
Player LJ: hearts_killing 
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: Six Oclock Tea @ AIM
Player Email: sixoclocktea@aim.com
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Y!

Character: Sarah Palmer
Fandom: My Bloody Valentine 3D
Personality: Sarah is a devoted and loving woman; instead of leaving Harmony when things were not working out, she decided to stay and help pick the pieces up. It takes a strong and determined woman to do such a thing. It pained her to stay in the small mining town and not know what happened to Tom, but this was what she needed to do. She wasn’t the type of person that would run away from all her troubles.

Sarah loves her family and will do anything within her power to help them. She even took over the family store when her parents were no longer able to run it. When things get tough, Sarah will be there for those she cares about and listen to what they’ve got to say. Even though she’ll do this, Sarah’s got a strong mind and won’t let anyone push her around. Being married to Axel hasn’t been the best marriage ever, and he’s pushed her around a lot. If it wasn’t for the fact that he is the father of her child and slightly scared of him, she’d fight back against him. With his quick temper, she never knows what he’ll do, therefore she always has to be cautious around him. She might be scared of him, but she does love him. This is proven at the end of the movie when she’s there next to him as he’s being placed on the stretcher. He says that he’s sorry for everything that he did and she’s willing to forgive him and possibly start over with their marriage. Maybe even do it right this time.
History: Here is the Wiki, I'm willing to write up more if you'd like.

I'll also be bringing her from when she finds the boxes in Axel's love nest.
A link to an image of the character: Sarah with Tom
Sample log entry: Sarah’s lungs seemed to burn with a fire that couldn’t be extinguished no matter how many breaths she took; maybe the burning would vanish once she stopped running, but she needed to keep going. Noah was her main driving force at the moment, she wasn’t going to abandon him. Not now; not ever. The man in the miners gear behind her was trying to kill her and she wasn’t going to give up so easily.

When he legs started to feel like rubber, Sarah pushed herself harder. This caused her legs to burn and a growl to escape her lips. You can’t give up now! Who knows how far behind you he is. Hopefully this would be enough to give her the strength to keep going. The idea of being able to see her son sometime soon also gave her hope. It hurt that she hardly got to see him today. She would smother him so much when she was able to see him that he’d tell her to back off.

Once all of this was over, things were going to change. Sarah was going to make sure of this. If Axel proved to not be the killer things would have to change between them. She couldn’t have him cheating on her again. If he did prove to be the killer, she wouldn’t tell Noah. Maybe they’d move away from Harmony and start life somewhere else. Tarnishing the adoration that Noah had for Axel wasn’t something she could do.

Sarah wasn’t that type of person.

Since she wasn’t paying attention, she tripped over the uprooted root of a tree and stumbled as she tried to catch her footing. Once she caught herself, she looked around and gasped in a startled manner. The forest seemed to become thicker with vegetation and there was a thick fog all around.

“Did I.. make a wrong turn somewhere…?”
Sample journal entry: [ Voice Post ]

[ Some panting and the sounds of someone running through the forest. After a few moments someone talks in a hushed voice. ]

Doesn’t look like he’s following me anymore, but I can’t stop now..

I don’t remember the forest being this thick, but its been a while since I was last in them.

[ Sound of some twigs breaking ]

Huh..?! Who’s there?


WH-WHY ARE YOU DOING TH-[ nothing but very loud static ]

!application, !character information, !ooc

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