Oct 03, 2006 15:07
+ I got my digital recorder in the mail yesterday! It's so great! I won't have to buy stupid tapes anymore, AND (more importantly) I won't have to pretend that I have something to play the ones we've made in my voice lessons on, ha! I've already been all efficient and had my accompanist record all of my songs for me to practice to.
- On a less efficient note, I did not go to my 9:30 today. I hate that I skipped, but the idea of sitting in that class full of obnoxious freshmen for an hour and a half was just not appealing. Generally - like, in life - I'm very patient and tolerant, but today...it wasn't happenin'.
+ I got all of my thank you notes for my campers mailed out today! Finally!
+ I also made a hair appointment for the 24th, which is exciting to me, ha. No one else cares, but I love getting my hair cut and what not, and the girl that I go to here is about my age, so it's basically like I go to hang out, and she happens to make my hair look fabulous while I'm there.
+ Allie and I are going home this weekend to do Race for the Cure with our mom and to do her birthday party. Both of those should be fun.
- Although I swear we were JUST home, and I'm missing a recital that I should go to (but to be honest, I don't really want to listen to this particular person sing for an hour), just because I have only been to one...and I have to go to 8.
+ Okay, we have to end on something positive, so...Virginia and I put lights in our room this weekend! They're white wedding lights (no, not Christmas lights...those have the ugly hunter green chords, and these have white ones), and they go around the top perimeter of the room, and we wrapped really pale pink toole around it. I promise it doesn't look too frilly, the walls are high and cream. There's so much wall space that we really needed something extra. And now we don't have to use the overhead light at night. : )