Nov 16, 2016 19:24
Holy shit, I'm married.
Holy shit, I have a 401k.
Holy shit, I'm an adult.
No joke, this is all so strange to me. I never thought I'd have my shit together. Here is sit though, the home I have with my wonderful husband, listening to our little kitties play in the kitchen, getting ready to go to bed so I can get up and be an adult in the morning.
I love this. This is the life I wanted. No, it's not perfect by any means, but I'm so glad I'm here. I'm so happy. Yes, there's stress, yes, there are tears, yes there are sad times and angry times, but I'm so happy.
Denver and I have been talking babies lately; I think he's more excited than I am. Based on my insurance coverage and life in general, we actually talked about and are planning a "let's start trying time" and holy crap, I'm kind of pumped. I'm fucking terrified, but damn.
Have I mentioned how weird it is to be an adult? An adult with adult things and adult plans.
When did this happen?