Jun 02, 2015 19:01
I'm feeling better. A lot better. I've got a couple of weeks of anxiety medication in me and a few weeks of blood pressure meds helping me out, and I feel like I different person. It's absolutely insane what can happen to your body when things get out of control. The cardiologist pretty much nailed the problem: anxiety made my blood pressure sky rocket AND made me hyper aware of the high blood pressure and PVC's/PAC's.
I don't know how much of this I've already written or updated about, but after all the tests and bloodwork the determination was completely safe--but scary and annoying--missed/irregular heart beats. All caused by and made worse by anxiety. The doctor put me on Celexa for the anxiety, which I've taken before. It made me insanely sick and weird feeling for about a week, but I seem to be evening out and I can feel the anxiety slowly becoming more manageable. The blood pressure still isn't perfect, and I don't know what else I can do about it other than just manage my lifestyle, which I've been trying to do anyway. The medication for the blood pressure is definitely not fun. I keep getting dizzy and losing my balance, my hands and feet are freezing, and my head feels like it's buzzing 75% of the time. I'm hoping that controlling the anxiety will fix my blood pressure, because until all of this started a few months ago my blood pressure was a perfect 120/80 for the last 5+ years.
It's weird, because my mom went through this when she was my age too. She has an actually heart defect that she takes medication for, but it's the same medication and her experience was really similar. She told me how she and my dad would end up in the ER and she would cry because no one could figure out what was wrong.
----Side note---- My upstairs neighbor is on the phone fighting with his mother. He likes to call her when he's drunk and tell her how much he hates her and her african american boyfriend. He's screaming lots of obscenities for the whole block to hear.
To end on something happy, and what I originally came here to write about:
I am SO glad I have Denver in my life. He makes me so happy and I am so in love with him. The other day I was looking through Facebook and saw some stuff Ryan had commented on, and the only thing I thought when I saw him was how glad I am that I'm with Denver. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone more perfect for me. We share our weird humor and silly jokes, he's so kind and supportive, and he tolerates my moods and my stupidity. I'm so lucky to have found such an amazing person.