Unusual Temporal Occurrences (2/?)

Jul 22, 2011 06:28

Title: Unusual Temporal Occurrences
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Primeval, Torchwood
Characters: Martha Jones, Captain Becker, Rose Tyler, Stephen Hart, Jess Parker, Mickey Smith, Abby Maitland, Connor Temple, Emily Merchant, Matt Anderson, James Lester, Jack Harkness (later in the fic), Gwen Cooper (later in the fic), appearances of: Ethan Dobrowski/Patrick Quinn, Philip Burton, Danny Quinn, the Doctor, Amy & Rory Pond, Jenny Lewis
Pairings: Martha/Becker, Rose/Stephen, Abby/Connor, Jess/Mickey, Emily/Matt, Jack/Gwen (later), a bit of Rose/Doctor
Rating: M
Genre: crossover, mainly het, adventure, romance, sci-fi
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or fandoms. I wish I did… *g* I don’t make any money with this! I’m just writing the story for fun and hope someone else will enjoy it, too.
Summary: Martha, Mickey and Rose join the ARC.
Timeline: after 4.02 for Primeval; after 4.13 (Journey's End) for Rose, Martha & Mickey (AU after that); some time after 6.02 (Day of the moon) for the rest of Doctor Who; after Children of Earth for Torchwood
Warnings: some character deaths (not the main characters)
The story will be written from different points of view. This way thoughts can be included for several characters and a better inside into the characters is possible.
I’m German and my English isn’t and probably never will be perfect. I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Feel free to point out mistakes so I can learn and improve.

Here comes the 2nd chapter.

Thank you again to my wonderful beta a1cmustangpilot, who helped me a lot. :-)
Any remaining mistakes are my own. ;-)

chapter 1

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Next day:

Martha was on her way to the canteen to meet Connor and Abby for lunch. Connor had shown her around the ARC for most of the morning until Philip Burton asked him if he had nothing better to do. Martha had the feeling that Connor felt like he really had nothing better to do than find out more about alien life from her, but he hadn’t told Burton that. Instead, he invited her to join him and his girlfriend Abby for lunch before heading to his lab. After that, Martha had taken inventory in the infirmary. There were a lot of things she would need to stock it properly if medical emergencies were to be brought there instead of a hospital in the future, but Lester and Burton had assured her that she would get whatever she needed. The less the public knew about anomalies the better. Keeping the ARC’s personnel out of hospitals would help with that, and apparently Burton had the money.

Once it was time for lunch Martha was happy for the distraction, and she was looking forward to meeting Connor again. He was so enthusiastic about everything alien and so curious in general. She liked him, and she had a feeling that the Doctor would like him, too. Maybe she’d introduce them one day.

Arriving at the canteen, Martha spotted Connor, who waved her over enthusiastically. Martha smiled, got something to eat, and then joined Connor and Abby at their table. She had barely sat down when Connor started to tell her about some of his theories about alien life.

“Don’t mind him…,” Abby whispered in a conspiratorial kind of voice after about five minutes of uninterrupted ramblings from Connor. “…if he gets like this it’s best to just nod when he stops for breath.”

Martha laughed, remembering that she once said something similar about the Doctor.

“No problem, I’m kinda used to that,” she answered and smirked. Then she noticed Becker entering the canteen. He looked amazing in his black military clothes. She had to swallow and quickly looked away, trying to concentrate on what Connor said. Getting lost in memories about her and Becker again wasn’t a good idea. She couldn’t do that every single time she saw him. They worked together now. She had to get a grip on herself!

Taking a bite from her sandwich Martha then noticed Abby looking at her in a peculiar kind of way, but she didn’t get a chance to find out what the blonde was thinking as an alarm started.

“Anomaly,” Abby informed her and they all quickly got up.

Martha followed Abby and Connor to the armoury where they got EMD’s. Martha was just about to get one as well when she found herself face to face with Becker.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she shot back, not liking his tone. Was he trying to order her around again?

“You don’t need an EMD in the infirmary, which is where you are working,” Becker stated.

“There is an anomaly out there. I’m not going to stay in the infirmary…”

“Of course you will. That’s your job,” Becker said interrupting her.

Martha stared at him with a frown. Was it? She hadn’t really talked to Lester or Burton about her job description. Yes, they said that she would be leading the infirmary, but they never said that that was all she would be doing. She had assumed that she would deal with anomalies as well. It was why she wanted the job in the first place. Just being a doctor hadn’t been enough for her anymore, but if all she did here was staying in the infirmary that would kind of be even worse. There wasn’t that much to do, at least not until someone got injured in the field or sick during work. Working in a hospital would be way more exciting.

Becker knew he had her by the look on her face. He didn’t even know if she was only supposed to work in the infirmary, but he didn’t care. He wanted her safe; and staying inside the ARC would be safer right now.

“Let’s go,” he called to the others.

Martha watched as Becker, Connor, Abby and some others left the armoury and headed out. She cursed and walked to Lester’s office. She needed to get some things straight.

----- -----

Lester’s office:

“I’m sorry. Only military personnel are allowed in the field,” Lester said.

“What about Abby and Connor?” Martha asked. As far as she knew they weren’t military.

Lester frowned. “They were hired before that rule.”

Martha crossed her arms in front of her chest. This so wasn’t what she had imagined.

“Besides, their expertise is useful in the field.”

“I’m a doctor. You can’t tell me that that wouldn’t be useful in the field.” It had been yesterday when she helped that soldier.

“Maybe…,” Lester admitted. “But as you said, you’re a doctor. You’re not trained for situations like…”

“I worked for UNIT and went through all kinds of basic trainings there. Did you check my file?”

Lester cleared his throat. “Well, I haven’t gotten around to that yet.”

“You should. And just so you know, what’s in that file isn’t half of what I’ve done and been through.” She had never told UNIT everything that happened while she was travelling with the Doctor or what happened during the year that never was. They accepted her as qualified just because she used to travel with the Doctor. Martha hadn’t realized how easy everything had been at UNIT because of that. Now she was back to having to prove herself.

“How about I have a look at your file before we discuss this further,” Lester suggested.

Before Martha could answer Jess stormed into the office.

“They are on their way back, with three injured.”

Martha jumped up.

“Who got injured?” she asked, staring at Jess. She barely heard the actual names… NOT Becker was all her brain seemed to register. Then she blinked and frowned about her own thoughts.

“I have to get the infirmary ready.”

“I’ll send you someone to help,” Jess said as they both moved out of the room.

“Wait,” Lester called. “What about the anomaly?”

“The others are still trying to contain it. I need to get back…”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----


Martha cursed as she saw the wounded soldiers. Two only had minor injuries, but the third was in really bad shape.

“He needs to go to a hospital,” she called, feeling annoyed. “We’re not equipped for surgery yet.” She had no idea how these people could have thought that she could help the man in his condition. She might be a good doctor, but she was no miracle worker that could heal without proper tools.

“Burton told us to bring all wounded to the ARC from now on.”

“Great,” Martha muttered sarcastically. “Call an ambulance. NOW!”

She barely noticed as the soldier complied and made the call. She was too busy trying to keep the wounded soldier alive.

----- -----

Becker entered the infirmary, then froze as he saw Lieutenant Franks body. He hadn’t made it. Another one of his men was dead…

Becker was pulled out of his thoughts when Martha’s voice drifted over to him. She was talking to Lester and Burton a few feet away, and she wasn’t happy. She didn’t seem to mind sharing her opinion either. Becker couldn’t help but admire her. Not a lot of people stood up to Lester and Burton in that way. Martha then threw up her hands in frustration and walked away.

“What was that about?” Becker asked as she passed him. She briefly glared at him, then walked further into the infirmary.

Becker frowned and followed her.

“Martha, what’s going on?”

“A man is dead, that’s what’s going on, and it was completely avoidable. You should have sent him to a hospital.” She was feeling really frustrated. So far this was one hell of a first day at work. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she hadn’t been allowed to join the others out in the field… No, they had to make it worse and bring in a wounded soldier that could have been saved if she had been out there with them.

“I didn’t know he was wounded that badly,” Becker answered defensively. He felt bad enough already without being told that he was responsible.

“Maybe you should have had a better look at him.”

“I was kind of busy fighting off a bunch of prehistoric creatures! And besides, I’m not a doctor. How would I know how badly he was injured?”

“That’s why I should have been there. I would have known that he needed to go to a hospital and that we don’t have the right kind of equipment here.”

Becker stared at her. He had walked right into that one, hadn’t he?

“That mission was dangerous. You could have been hurt, or worse… killed,” he said as his eyes locked on the dead body.

“I might not have been,” Martha retorted. “You weren’t hur…” she stopped, then walked towards him, her eyes fixed on his arm.

Becker glanced down at his arm as well and only then remembered why he had come to the infirmary in the first place.

“You are hurt. Why didn’t you say something?” She gestured to a chair, indicating for him to sit down.

“It’s nothing…”

“Let me have a look.” Martha waited until he sat down, then examined the wound. It was nothing serious, but she couldn’t help but feel concerned anyway, and she couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed sooner that he was injured. Then she sighed. Why was she so concerned? He was fine, and besides, he was just another patient. She didn’t get that concerned over little wounds with other patients. She had to stop feeling that way. There was nothing between her and Becker. They weren’t in a relationship and never would be. He had made it pretty clear that he wasn’t interested in that.

“You’ll live,” she then said as she started to clean the wound.

“Thanks doc, that’s good to know. I was majorly concerned about dying,” he replied, trying to lighten up the mood a little.

Martha glanced at him, then smirked.

“Idiot,” she muttered, but a small smile still lingered on her lips.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Next day:

A satisfied smile appeared on Martha’s lips as she left Lester’s office. She had just gotten the okay to go on missions as long as she wasn’t needed in the infirmary when an anomaly alarm started. She had quickly agreed to that. She wouldn’t want to leave patients that needed her anyway, but if there was nothing important for her to do she really didn’t want to stay behind again.

“What are you smiling about?” Connor asked walking up next to her.

“I’ve just been cleared to go out with you guys.”

“Brilliant,” Connor said grinning. “If you ask me, that ‘military personnel only rule’ is totally overrated anyway.”

“Totally,” Martha agreed. It wasn’t as if military training could actually prepare anyone for the job they were doing anyway, Martha thought.

The next second an anomaly alarm started.

“Looks like you were cleared just in time,” Connor said, then rushed off towards the armoury.

Martha quickly followed.

----- -----

Becker stepped out of his SUV and listened to Matt’s orders. Then he glanced at Martha, not feeling happy at all. He really would have preferred it if she stayed at the ARC, but Lester seemed to think it would be useful to have a doctor on site. He couldn’t really argue with that after what had happened yesterday, but he still didn’t like it.

As Martha joined the others, heading towards the anomaly, Becker quickly followed. He’d keep a close eye on her.

They soon found the anomaly and Martha looked at it, fascinated, whilst Connor set up the device to close it. She glanced at her wristband. She was getting the same readings as two days ago.

“What are you doing?” Becker asked.

“Just taking some readings.”

“With what?”

“You guys aren’t the only ones with fancy technology.”

The anomaly closed and Connor came over to Martha.

“You mind if I have a look at that?” he asked looking curious.

“No, go ahead…”

“How about you do that later? For now let’s make sure this area is secure and nothing came through the anomaly,” Matt called.

The next second a commotion started a few feet away.

“Put the weapon down,” someone called. “Now!”

Martha hurried over to the soldiers who had a man cornered.

“Why don’t you guys put your weapons down instead?”

Martha stepped past Becker who was blocking her way, then a smile appeared on her face.

“Mickey?!” she exclaimed.

Mickey Smith turned to her, then started to smile as recognition showed on his face.

“Martha Jones. Nice to see you again. I’m guessing these goons are with you?” He gestured around at the soldiers.

Martha laughed. Then she stepped past the protesting soldiers as Mickey lowered his gun and spread his arms wide. Still chuckling she hugged him happily.

“So, you two know each other?” Matt asked.

Martha let go of Mickey, turned to Matt and nodded. She was about to introduce them when she saw something moving towards them out of the corner of her eye.

“Get down!” she called as she grabbed Mickey and pulled him to the ground with her. Then she turned around, grabbing her EMD gun tightly. Something had jumped right past her and Mickey, and landed on one of the soldiers. She fired, but missed. The thing was really fast.

“Future predator,” someone called. Martha had no idea what that meant, but by the looks on the others faces it wasn’t good. They all had their EMD’s in hand and looked around stiffly.
She then noticed Becker coming towards her.

“You alright?” he asked silently while holding one hand out to her.

Martha nodded, took his hand and got up quickly.

“What’s a future predator?” Mickey asked whilst getting up as well.

“Sssshhh!” Abby hissed and put her finger over her mouth.

“They’re predators from the future, and they hunt by using echolocation,” Becker whispered whilst looking around.

“Echolocation?” Mickey muttered.

“They see sound,” Abby explained silently. Then the predator came rushing at them once more.

Shots were fired repeatedly, but the predator was too fast for them. Within seconds it had disappeared again.

“Maybe we should reopen the anomaly and hope it goes back through,” Connor suggested.

“What if it doesn’t want to go back?” Martha asked.

“We’re not reopening the anomaly,” Becker stated firmly. “There could be more of them right on the other side, waiting to come through.”

Martha glanced at Becker and froze when she saw the look on his face. She had no idea what had happened, but she was sure that his experience with these predators was anything but good.

“Becker is right,” Matt agreed. “We can’t risk it. Let’s deal with this one.”

“How do you know there aren’t more of those things here?” Mickey asked. He wasn’t really sure what was going on, but he could ask all other questions later.

“We don’t,” Matt admitted.

“Great,” Mickey muttered.

Becker then turned to Mickey. “Shoot your gun.”


“Shoot your gun. It’s loud, it’ll draw the predators to us. We can’t risk letting even one of them get away.” He hated the thought of drawing the predators to them, especially since Martha was there, but they had weapons to defend themselves with, whilst innocent civilians nearby didn’t. They needed to kill all predators before they got away.

Mickey fired up into the air. He didn’t really like to play bait for those predators, but he knew that the guy was right.

It didn’t take long and the predator came back, heading directly for Mickey. He ducked and fired his gun. The others fired their EMD’s. Everything happened in a rush, but eventually the predator went down, falling to the ground in the middle of the group.

“Well, I’m glad that plan worked,” Connor muttered.

“Me, too,” Mickey agreed.

“So, it was just one then?” Martha asked looking around.

“I guess so,” Matt answered. “If there were more, I’m sure they’d have attacked by now.”

“How reassuring,” Mickey said.

No one voiced the alternative. They didn’t really want to think about the possibility that another predator had gotten too far away to hear the shooting and was stalking its prey somewhere else already.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

The ARC:

“They are bringing someone in again?” Lester asked.

“Looks that way,” Jess answered. “Matt said they ran into a friend of Martha’s, and then a future predator attacked.”

“Great,” Lester muttered. “Get the non-disclosure agreement ready.”

“Already did.” Jess placed it on Lester’s desk, then turned to leave.

“How are they doing?”

Jess blinked and turned back to Lester. “Fine. They took care of the future predator, the anomaly is sealed and no one got any serious injuries.”

“Good. Thanks, Jess.”

She nodded, then left, a small smile on her face. Lester might be grumpy most of the time, but she had a feeling that he really did care about his employees, even if he probably would never admit it.

----- -----

About fifteen minutes later Matt entered Lester’s office.

“I hear you got another civilian involved in ARC business.”

“It wasn’t really our fault. He was checking out an ‘unusual temporal occurrence’… his words, not mine,” Matt explained.

“Is everybody meddling in our business these days? Who’s the guy anyway? No… just get him in here so we can get this over with.”

Matt nodded, then left the room to get Mickey.

----- -----

About an hour later the team was lurking near Lester’s office, once more waiting to hear what was going on.

“He’s been in there for quite a while,” Connor muttered. “Think Lester’s hiring someone again?”

“I doubt it,” Matt said. “Lester seemed in a pretty bad mood.”

“Maybe he’s lecturing the guy about keeping quiet,” Becker suggested.

“For an hour?” Martha asked. Lester did seem a little broody. Hopefully he didn’t give Mickey that hard of a time.

The door to Lester’s office then opened and Mickey came out grinning.

“You’re looking at your newest team member,” he called as he walked towards Martha and the others.

“Really?” she asked grinning as well. She didn’t really know Mickey that well, but she liked the prospect of working with another companion, and she really did like Mickey.

“Really,” Mickey exclaimed, then he spread his arms wide. Martha laughed slightly, stepped forward and the two of them hugged once more.

Becker watched them, a frown on his face. He really didn’t like to see them hug again. They seemed to get along way to well for his liking. And now the guy was supposed to work with them? How the hell did that happen?

Lester then appeared in the doorway of his office.

“Oh, and Mickey, dinner at my place on Friday. I’m sure my wife will be looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Sure thing, I’ll be there,” Mickey called back.

“Eight o’clock. Don’t be late.” That said, Lester disappeared back into his office.

“You’re having dinner with Lester?” Abby asked.

Mickey just shrugged. “My grandma worked as a maid for the Lester’s. I spent a lot of time at their place while growing up. They have this amazing place…”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

book cover for this chapter:


primeval: emily merchant, xover ship: rose/stephen, primeval: abby maitland, fanfic, doctor who: mickey smith, torchwood, primeval, doctor who: martha jones, primeval: connor temple, xover ship: becker/martha, primeval: jess parker, xover: primeval/torchwood, doctor who: rose tyler, xover, primeval: emily/matt, xover: drwho/primeval, primeval: becker, primeval: abby/connor, primeval: stephen hart, doctor who, torchwood: other characters, primeval: other characters, xover ship: jess/mickey, fanfic: unusual temporal occurrences

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