
Jul 02, 2011 19:19

5 picspam made for a challenge in landofart

I chose to make fave ship picspams for Buffy Summers, Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Jack Harkness & the Doctor.

So, if you want to see who I ship these characters with (within their fandom & crossovers), have a look behind the cut. ;-)

If you take any please:
- comment, I love to hear what you like
- credit: sarah_jones on lj or
- do not claim as your own
- don´t hotlink

You can find all my fanart at Some graphics are linked to tutorials/psd's there.
Credit for brushes, textures, tubes, psd's, etc can be found in my userinfo.

my fave pairings for Buffy Summers:

paired with:
Angel (BtvS/Angel)
Eric Northman (True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries)
Seeley Booth (Bones)
Castiel (SPN)
Riley Finn (BtvS)
Sam Winchester (SPN)
Legolas (LotR)
Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties)
Jacob Black (Twilight)
Clark Kent (Smallville)
Cameron Mitchell (Stargate SG-1)
Dean Winchester (SPN)
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
Richard Cypher (Legend of the Seeker)
the Doctor (Doctor Who)

my fave pairings for Dean Winchester:

paired with:
Faith Lehane (BtvS/Angel)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill)
Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)
Jo Harvelle (SPN)
Maria DeLuca (Roswell)
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
Sarah Walker (Chuck)
Max Guevara (Dark Angel)
Buffy Summers (BtvS/Angel)
Prue Halliwell (Charmed)
Olivia Dunham (Fringe)
Audrey Parker (Haven)
Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker)
Anna Milton (SPN)
Lisa Braeden (SPN)
Bo Jones (Lost Girl)

my fave pairings for Faith Lehane:

paired with:
Dean Winchester (SPN)
Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Eric Northman (True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries)
Riley Finn (BtvS)
Angel (BtvS/Angel)
Christopher Chance (Human Target)
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Smallville)
Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties)
Ronon Dex (SGA)
John Sheppard (SGA)

my fave pairings for Jack Harknesse:

paired with:
Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)
Faith Lehane (BtvS/Angel)
Bo Jones (Lost Girl)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
Cara Mason (LotS)
Belle/Hannah (Secret Diary of a Callgirl)
Inara Serra (Firefly/Serenity)
Christina de Souza (Doctor Who)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
River Song (Doctor Who)
Jenny (Doctor Who)
Buffy Summers (BtvS)
Alesha Phillips (Law & Order UK)
Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)

my fave pairings (most of these more in a companionship kind of way, but some also in a romantic way) for the Doctor:

paired with):
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
River Song (Doctor Who)
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
Sally Sparrow (Doctor Who)
Astrid Peth (Doctor Who)
Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Olivia Dunham (Fringe)
Lady Christina de Souza (Doctor Who)
Prue Halliwell (Charmed)
Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)
Faith Lehane (BtvS)
Buffy Summers (BtvS)
Reinette (Doctor Who)
Lady Marian (Robin Hood)
Dr. Michaela Quinn (Dr. Quinn)
Jo Harvelle (Supernatural)
Dr. Elizabeth Weir (SGA)
Bella Swan (Twilight)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
the TARDIS (Doctor Who)
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who/the Sarah Jane Adventures)


xover ship: booth/buffy, xover: drwho/stargate, xover ship: chance/faith, lotr, torchwood, btvs: riley finn, xover: lost girl/spn, supernatural: dean/jo, xover ship: dean/prue, doctor who: sarah jane smith, roswell: maria deluca, doctor who: donna noble, xover ship: buffy/jacob, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, sg-1, xover: fringe/spn, xover: charmed/drwho, bones, supernatural: castiel, xover ship: dean/olivia, xover ship: doctor/michaela, doctor who: doctor/sally, doctor who: amy/jack, one tree hill: brooke davis, xover: spn/vmars, sarah jane adventures, smallville, lots, xover ship: buffy/richard, xover: btvs/stargate, doctor who: donna/doctor, law and order uk, twilight, lots: cara, sg: elizabeth weir, xover: drwho/got, blood ties, xover: charmed/spn, doctor who: astrid/doctor, true blood: eric northman, doctor who, doctor who: astrid peth, xover: multiple, xover: drwho/fringe, xover ship: brooke/dean, harry potter: sirius black, xover ship: doctor/faith, lost girl, lots: kahlan, xover ship: dean/maria, doctor who: tardis, charmed: prue halliwell, doctor who: gwen/doctor, supernatural: sam winchester, doctor who: doctor/river, smallville: clark kent, xover: drwho/lots, lotr: legolas, xover ship: bo/dean, fringe: olivia dunham, xover: drwho/sdoac, doctor who: rose tyler, xover, twilight: jacob black, sga, xover: btvs/smallville, xover ship: doctor/kahlan, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: doctor/olivia, btvs: angel/faith, btvs, supernatural: anna/dean, doctor who: christina de souza, xover: chuck/spn, xover: btvs/lots, xover ship: buffy/eric, doctor who: doctor/sarah jane, xover ship: buffy/sam, xover ship: dean/martha, angel: angel, sg: cameron mitchell, xover ship: doctor/prue, xover ship: belle/jack, doctor who: jack/rose, xover ship: dean/faith, chuck, xover ship: faith/spencer, doctor who: other couples, xover ship: buffy/cam, roswell, doctor who: amy pond, xover: btvs/true blood, xover ship: amy/dean, torchwood: other characters, xover: haven/spn, xover: drwho/spn, xover: lots/spn, xover ship: faith/jack, xover: btvs/lotr, xover: btvs/twilight, torchwood: other couples, xover: btvs/drwho, supernatural, doctor who: amy/doctor, xover ship: bo/jack, xover: drwho/twilight, doctor who: river song, doctor who: sally sparrow, xover: drwho/law and order, xover: btvs/torchwood, xover: btvs/human target, doctor who: other characters, xover ship: bella/doctor, supernatural: jo harvelle, xover ship: buffy/dean, xover ship: dean/veronica, torchwood: gwen cooper, doctor who: jack/jenny, true blood, supernatural: dean/lisa, fringe, xover ship: dean/max, xover ship: cara/jack, btvs: angel/buffy, xover ship: buffy/castiel, xover ship: buffy/clark, angel: other couples, xover ship: buffy/legolas, xover ship: faith/henry, twilight: bella swan/cullen, xover: btvs/supernatural, smallville: oliver queen, btvs: faith lehane, xover: btvs/hpotter, xover: bones/btvs, one tree hill, xover ship: faith/sirius, xover: angel/supernatural, doctor who: christina/doctor, xover: drwho/vmars, xover: drwho/firefly, xover ship: cara/dean, doctor who: 8, angel, dark angel, xover ship: dean/kahlan, doctor who: doctor/martha, btvs: buffy/riley, xover ship: doctor/elizabeth, xover: btvs/cminds, sg: john sheppard, xover ship: buffy/doctor, xover ship: faith/ronon, xover ship: faith/oliver, firefly, robin hood, doctor who: christina/jack, picspam, human target, secret diary of a callgirl, torchwood: jack harkness, sg: ronon dex, criminal minds: spencer reid, haven, xover ship: eric/faith, doctor who: jack/martha, xover: roswell/spn, xover: drwho/robin hood, xover ship: doctor/veronica, btvs: faith/riley, xover: drwho/lost girl, lots: richard, xover: drwho/drquinn, xover: blood ties/btvs, lost girl: bo, xover ship: doctor/marian, doctor who: martha jones, xover ship: faith/john, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, xover ship: buffy/henry, xover ship: inara/jack, harry potter, xover: firefly/torchwood, charmed, torchwood: gwen/jack, xover ship: buffy/jack, xover ship: doctor/jo, xover: one tree hill/spn, btvs: buffy summers, doctor who: doctor/rose, xover ship: daenerys/doctor

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