Crossover icons

Apr 15, 2011 03:12

crossover icons centered around Vampire shows made for xover365days
-> make 100 themed crossover icons in 365 days
-> icon count so far: 69/100 + 29 alternates
+ manips/picspams made for the icons


If you take any please:
- comment, I love to hear what you like
- credit: sarah_jones on lj, charming_angel on ij or
- do not claim as your own
- don´t hotlink

You can find all my fanart at Some graphics are linked to tutorials/psd's there.
Credit for brushes, textures, tubes, psd's, etc can be found in my userinfo.

If you like my placeholder icon, feel free to snag it. ;-) It was made by me.

icon crossovers:
Angel/Being Human: Angel/Annie (letter a)
Angel/Blood Ties/Moonlight/True Blood: Henry/Mick/Eric/Angel (4 squares)
Angel/Doctor Who: Rose/the doctor/Angel puppet (funny)
Angel/Human Target: Cordy/Christopher (letter c)
Battlestar Galactica/BtvS: Faith/Lee (frame, alternate 12+13)
Being Human/Charmed: Mitchell/Phoebe (artist's choice 2, alternate 17)
Being Human/Doctor Who: Rose/Mitchell (black & white, alternate 6)
Blood Ties/BtvS: Faith/Henry (letter H), Buffy/Henry (dots, alternate 24)
Blood Ties/Charmed: Henry/Paige (magical)
Blood Ties/Veronica Mars: Veronica/henry (letter V)
Bones/BtvS: Angel/Buffy/Jack/Angela/Bones or Booth/Buffy/Jack/Angela/Bones, depending on how you want to see it. ;-) (wedding), Booth/Buffy (artist's choice 1, letter B)
Bones/BtvS/Torchwood: Gwen/Buffy/Booth (red, alternate 14+15)
BtvS/Criminal Minds: Faith/Spencer (letter S, artists choice 5, alternate 25)
BtvS/Doctor Who/Torchwood: Faith/Jack/TARDIS (back to back), Faith/TARDIS (alone), Buffy/Gwen (letter g), Faith/Martha/10/Buffy (heroes), Faith/Jack/vampire (blue, alternate 18), Faith/Doctor (artist's choice 3), Faith/Jack/10/Martha (4 characters), Faith/Jack (shocked), Buffy/Doctor(letter T, plain, alternate 23 + 26)
BtvS/Doctor Who/LotS/SPN: Kahlan/11/Dean/Faith (artist's choice 4)
BtvS/Legend of the Seeker: Buffy/Richard (destiny, alternate 11), Faith/Denna (evil, alternate 21), Cara/Willow (smile)
BtvS/Lost Girl: Faith/Bo (Little Girl Lost)
BtvS/Supernatural: Faith/Sam (weapon, alternate 2), Dean/Buffy/Dawn/Sam (family), Ruby/Buffy (duplicate, female), Faith/Dean (phone, love, tiny text, alternate 10), Dawn/Dean (letter d), Dawn/Sam (flower), Buffy/Dean (manipulation, OOC, alternate 19 + 22), Dawn/Sam (promo), Willow/Ruby (demon)
BtvS/True Blood: Buffy/Eric (couple, broken, happy, sexy, hush, letter e, the beginning, alternates 1+3+4), Angel/Eric (friends), Faith/Eric (letter f), Buffy/Angel/Eric (jealousy)
BtvS/Twilight: Buffy/Victoria (enemies)
BtvS/Vampire Diaries: Faith/Damon (black, white & one other color), Angel/Katherine/Spike (3 characters), Katherine/Spike (letter K), Katherine/Angel (And thou art dead, as young and fair), Katherine/Angelus (the angel), Damon/Buffy/Stefan (love triangle), Darla/Angelus/Katherine (do you remember?), Buffy/Alaric (black, white & blue, alternate 28 + 29)
Doctor Who/Moonlight: doctor/Beth (texture, alternate 8 + 9)
Doctor Who/Vampire Diaries: Damon/Amy (vampire)
Moonlight/Veronica Mars: Josef/Veronica/Mick (whole body)
Supernatural/True Blood: Eric/Sam/Dean (run, alternate 5)
True Blood/Vampire Diaries: Jessica/Damon (letter J)

manips/picspams made for the icons:
1 Angel/Eric Northman
1 Faith Lehane/Jack Harkness/TARDIS
1 Faith Lehane/Henry Fitzroy
1 Faith Lehane/Spencer Reid
1 Jessica Hamby/Damon Salvatore
1 Faith Lehane/Denna
2 Buffy Summers/the Doctor
1 Buffy Summers/Henry Fitzroy
1 Faith Lehane/Damon Salvatore
1 Angel/Katherine/Spike
2 Damon/Buffy/Stefan
1 Buffy/Alaric

The manipulation used for #17 love & alternate 7 was made by x-spikeaholic-x and can be found here. If you snag one of these icons, please credit x-spikeaholic-x! Crediting me for the icons as well is not necessary, as x-spikeaholic-x did all the hard work, but would be appreciated. ;-)
Feel free to check out x-spikeaholic-x's journal. She has done more amazing manips. :-)
Thank you, x-spikeaholic-x, for giving me permission to use your lovely manipulations for making icons!

1 couple2 weapon3 friends4 funny5 whole body

6 broken7 family8 4 squares9 happy10 wedding

11 duplicate12 sexy13 phone14 run15 black & white

16 magical17 love18 texture19 tiny text20 enemies

21 hush22 destiny23 letter A24 artists choice 125 letter B

26 frame27 back to back28 letter C29 red30 alone

31 letter d32 letter e33 letter f34 flower35 the beginning

36 letter g37 artists choice 238 heroes39 letter h40 blue

41 female42 Little Girl Lost43 artists choice 344 letter s45 manip

46 4 characters47 letter j48 evil49 smile50 shocked

51 promo52 vampire53 artists choice 454 OOC55 letter v

56 letter t57 dots58 jealousy59 artists choice 560 plain

61 demon62 bw + 1 color63 3 characters64 letter K65 and thou art..

66 the angel67 love triangle68 do u remember69 bw & blue70








alternate 1alternate 2alternate 3alternate 4alternate 5

alternate 6alternate 7alternate 8alternate 9alternate 10

alternate 11alternate 12alternate 13alternate 14alternate 15

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alternate 26alternate 27alternate 28alternate 29alternate 30

alternate 31alternate 32alternate 33alternate 34alternate 35

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alternate 41alternate 42alternate 43alternate 44alternate 45

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You like the idea of Buffy & Eric together? Then come and join buffy_eric! ;-)


xover ship: cara/willow, xover ship: katherine/spike, xover ship: booth/buffy, xover ship: faith/jack, xover ship: amy/damon, manipulations, xover ship: faith/sam, torchwood, xover: moonlight/vmars, vampire diaries: damon salvatore, xover: btvs/twilight, xover: btvs/drwho, supernatural, xover: btvs/torchwood, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover: btvs/human target, xover ship: damon/jessica, xover ship: damon/faith, xover ship: buffy/dean, bones, lots: denna, torchwood: gwen cooper, true blood, xover: btvs/tvd, btvs: angel/buffy, xover ship: angel/katherine, xover: angel/human target, xover: blood ties/vmars, btvs: dawn summers, xover ship: faith/henry, bsg: lee adama, lots, xover ship: beth/doctor, xover ship: buffy/richard, xover: bsg/btvs, veronica mars, xover: btvs/supernatural, btvs: faith lehane, moonlight, xover: bones/btvs, angel: cordelia chase, twilight, lots: cara, xover: other, battlestar galactica, icons, vampire diaries, xover ship: faith/lee, angel, xover: btvs/lost girl, blood ties, xover: true blood/tvd, being human, twilight: victoria, true blood: eric northman, doctor who, supernatural: ruby, xover: btvs/cminds, fanfic: the slayer diaries fanart, xover: drwho/tvd, xover: spn/true blood, xover: multiple, xover ship: doctor/faith, lost girl, xover ship: buffy/doctor, vampire diaries: katherine pierce, supernatural: sam winchester, human target, doctor who: rose tyler, torchwood: jack harkness, xover, criminal minds: spencer reid, xover ship: doctor/kahlan, xover: angel/vampire diaries, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: eric/faith, xover ship: henry/veronica, btvs, vampire diaries: stefan salvatore, xover: btvs/lots, xover ship: buffy/eric, xover ship: denna/faith, angel: angel, lots: richard, lost girl: bo, doctor who: martha jones, angel: other characters, vampire diaries: alaric salzman, doctor who: 10, xover: drwho/moonlight, charmed: phoebe halliwell, xover ship: bo/faith, xover: being human/doctor who, xover ship: dean/faith, true blood: jessica hamby, xover ship: faith/spencer, charmed, btvs: spike, charmed: paige matthews, doctor who: amy pond, fanfic: new worlds fanart, btvs: buffy summers, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover: btvs/true blood, doctor who: doctor/rose, xover365days, btvs: willow rosenberg

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