(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 21:56

Name/Alias: Betty
Age: 28
Preferred setting(s): ij, lj

What I’m looking for:

I’m looking for a multi-fandom game that doesn’t mainly have anime characters. Of course there can be anime characters, but others would be nice, too!

I would also consider private games. ;-)

In a multi-fandom game I would love to play one or more of the following characters:

- Rachel (Animorphs)
- Faith Lehane (Buffy, the vampire Slayer)
- Prue Halliwell (Charmed)
- Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
- Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood & Doctor Who)
- Oliver Queen (Smallville)
- Mick S. John (Moonlight)
- Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties)
- John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
- Peter Petrelli (Heroes)

I might also consider rping in other rpgs.

I love rping in the following fandoms:

- Doctor Who: I love to play the doctor (10th, 9th or maybe a future regeneration), Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Sally Sparrow, but might consider Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith and maybe others, too, if I like the plot.

- Torchwood: I'd love to play Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper or Martha Jones.

- Animorphs: If there is an Animorph rpg I’d love to join!

- Stargate Atlantis: I would love to play either John Sheppard or Elizabeth Weir, but might also consider someone else, if I like the games plot. I have played Laura Cadman, Aiden Ford, Ronon Dex, Samantha Carter and Carson Beckett before.

- Stargate: I love to play Samantha Carter, Cameron Mitchell, Vala Mal Doran, but might consider someone else as well.

- Harry Potter: I love to play Ginny Weasley the most, but have also played Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, James Potter and a few others including OCs. I am mainly looking for a game to play Ginny in, but would also consider to play someone else if the plot really interests me.
I’d love to play in an AU game wich is a bit different from the usual Harry Potter games. I also like timetravel rpgs. But I might look at other games, too.
I like the characters to be as canon as possible. Of course in an AU game many things are possible. But if the game is canon up to book 5 for example I don´t see Harry and Draco becoming a couple. I also don´t see Remus and Sirius being a couple and won´t join a game were they are together, sorry.

- Buffy / Angel: I love to play Faith the most, but have also played Illyria, Willow, Angel, Riley and a few others. I especially love Buffy crossover games and Buffy games that are a bit different (AU), but also post season 7 / season 5 games.

- Charmed: I usually play Prue Halliwell, but have also played Piper, Paige, Wyatt and OC children of the Charmed Ones. I especially love Charmed crossover games and Charmed games that are different (AU).

I might consider rping in the following fandoms as well: Twilight, Supernatural, Moonlight, Blood Ties, Heroes, One Tree Hill, NCIS

Roleplay samples:

- psl where I play Samantha Carter among others

psl where I play the doctor among others

multi-fandom psl where I play the doctor, Faith, Gwen Cooper, Maria Jackson, Sam Winchester and a few others

Lee Adama and Kara Thrace in a crossover rpg: I play Lee

- character specific samples can be written if needed. ;-)

Just so you know: I am german and only learned english at school, so my english might not always be perfect. I am trying to improve it however.


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