It's Far From Over: chapter 6

Nov 24, 2012 02:42

Title: It’s Far From Over
Rating: M
Genre: crossover, sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, mostly het
Fandoms: Animorphs, Army Wives, BTVS, Doctor Who, Eureka, Hawaii Five-0, Legend of the Seeker, NCIS LA, Primeval, SG-1, SGA, SGU, Supernatural, Torchwood, Veronica Mars & Warehouse 13 (set mainly in the Stargateverse)
Characters: Aiden Ford, Allison Blake, Amy Pond, Bobby Singer, Cameron Mitchell, Cara Mason, Castiel, Chase Moran, Chin Ho Kelly, Chloe Armstrong, Claudia Donovan, Claudia Joy Holden, Daniel Jackson, Danny Williams, Dean Winchester, Denise Sherwood, Douglas Fargo, Eli Wallace, Elizabeth Weir, Evan Lorne, Eric Beale, Everett Young, Faith Lehane, Frank Sherwood, G. Callen, Grace Monroe, AU!Gwen Cooper, Helena G. Wells, Henry Deacon, Hetty Lange, Hilary Becker, Holly Marten, Jack Carter, Jack Harkness, Jack O'Neill, clone!Jack O’Neill, Jennifer Keller, Jenny, Jo Lupo, Kensi Blye, AU!Jo Harvelle, John Sheppard, Kahlan Amnell, Kono Kalakaua, Laura Cadman, Lori Weston, Martha Jones, Marty Deeks, Matthew Scott, Mickey Smith, Myka Bering, Nell Jones, Rachel Berenson, Richard Cypher, Riley Finn, River Song, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Rory Pond, Rose Tyler, Roxy LeBlanc, Sally Sparrow, Sam Carter, Sam Hanna, Sam Winchester, Stephen Hart, Steve McGarrett, Tamara Johansen, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, the Doctor (10.5 & 11), Trevor LeBlanc, Vala Mal Doran, Veronica Mars, Willow Rosenberg, Zane Donovan, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander + some minor characters
Pairings: Faith/Riley, Elizabeth/John, Sam/Jack O., AU!Gwen/Jack H., TJ/Cam, Martha/Becker, Rachel/Stephen, Lori/Steve, Kahlan/Richard, Cara/Ronon, Vala/Daniel, Kensi/Deeks, Cadman/Danny, Claudia/Eli, Veronica/Dean, Teyla/Teal’c, River/11, Rose/10.5, Jennifer/Rodney, Nell/Eric, Kono/Callen, Roxy/Trevor, Allison/Jack, Jo/Zane, Claudia Joy/Michael, Pamela/Chase, Denise/Frank, Amy/Rory, Chloe/Matthew, AU!Jo/clone!Jack O., Jenny/Ford, Sally/Mickey, Malia/Chin, Grace/Henry, Willow/Sam, past Willow/Kennedy
Summary: After an attack on the SGC the Stargate Program finds out about the supernatural and a secret plan of an old enemy who is set on taking over the Earth. Greatly weakened in numbers the Stargate Program begins to recruit while starting to hunt down their enemy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or fandoms. I wish I did… *g* I don’t make any money with this! I’m just writing the story for fun and hope someone else will enjoy it, too.
Spoiler Warnings: all of Animorphs, season 1-5 of Army Wives, all BTVS & ATS seasons (no Comics), season 1-6 of New Who, all of Eureka, season 1+2 of Hawaii Five-0 (2010), all of Legend of the Seeker, season 1-3 of NCIS LA, season 1-5 of Primeval, all of Stargate, season 1-6 of Supernatural, season 1-3 of Torchwood, all of Veronica Mars, season 1-3 of Warehouse 13
Other Warnings: some characters deaths (but no one listed under characters)
I’m German and my English isn’t and probably never will be perfect. I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Feel free to point out errors so I can learn and improve.

Thanks again to my awesome beta landiana24 for betaing for me! :-)

Story Introduction with character info, etc *~*~* Story Master Post *~*~* Fanart (new and older ones that fit this story)

Fandoms & Characters in this chapter:

Animorphs: Rachel Berenson
Army Wives: Chase Moran, Frank Sherwood, Trevor LeBlanc
BTVS: Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg
Hawaii Five-0: Chin Ho Kelly, Lori Westen, Steve McGarrett
NCIS LA: G. Callen, Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, Sam Hanna
Primeval: Becker
Stargateverse: Cameron Mitchell, Dusty Mehra, Jack O'Neill (+ clone), John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan
Whoverse: Martha Jones, Mickey Smith, Sally Sparrow

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chapter 6: Tests

Day 4 - Atlantis - early afternoon:

Lieutenant Trevor LeBlanc looked around the room he was in. It was big and very strange. He had never seen anything like this building. It looked a little like out of a Science Fiction movie. This was definitely classified! He wondered where in California they were, but discarded the thought again quickly. They had flown out from Fort Marshall, were given the non-disclosure agreement, landed on a small and nondescript airport that could have been anywhere and were driven on a bus to a boat that took them to this place. The entire time they hadn’t really seen anything that would tell them where in America they were. If it weren’t for Roxy Trevor wouldn’t even know that they were in California.

Glancing around the room that was rapidly filling with people Trevor went over to Major Sherwood and a few others from Fort Marshall. He was definitely glad that they were here, too, even though they might be his competition. He wasn’t sure how many people would actually be hired, but considering how many people were here he guessed a lot. They might be lucky and all get in.

“I don’t think this is just an American organization,” Major Frank Sherwood observed.

Trevor nodded. They had all been given the same kind of clothes, which had flags on their upper arms. Taking a quick look around he spotted Canadian, British, Chinese and Russian flags, in addition to more American ones. Then his gaze fell on a man who was walking towards him with a grin on his face.

“Chase?” he asked disbelievingly. “What are you doing here?”

“Same thing you are,” Chase said before turning to Major Sherwood and greeting him. “Sir.”

“Sergeant Moran, I was under the impression you left the Army,” Frank stated.

“I did, but let’s just say I kind of miss it…”

Trevor snorted. “Already?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have left,” Frank observed.

“You are completely right about that, sir,” Chase said. “But maybe I can rectify it now.”

“What does Pamela think about that?” Trevor wanted to know.

“I have no idea. She wasn’t at home when I got the call inviting me here, so I thought I might as well take the tests before telling her. No need to incur her wrath before I know if I even get in,” Chase admitted.

Trevor smirked slightly. “Sounds like a plan. But if you do get in I really don’t want to be there when you tell Pamela.”

“Me neither,” Chase said looking sheepish.

Frank snorted. “I don’t think you will have a choice.”

Their conversation came to a halt when General Jack O’Neill started his official welcoming speech.

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Martha Jones listened to the General’s welcome. His speech wasn’t long and he ended it with information about the upcoming tests. There would be health and psych evaluations, followed by basic fitness, shooting range and self defence tests. Afterwards a mission would be simulated in teams. They had to retrieve an artefact, fight off an enemy, keep allies safe and rescue possible hostages. It sounded simple enough. The General’s last words were that they should be ready for anything and expect the unexpected. Martha snorted slightly. What a nice warning. Luckily she already knew all about those ‘unexpected’ things. Travelling with the Doctor through time and space and having worked for UNIT made sure that she knew all about alien threats. A simulated mission should be like a walk in the park compared to what she had been through already. Smirking slightly she turned to her left, where Mickey Smith and Sally Sparrow were standing. When her former boss at UNIT called and told her about the Stargate Program she made sure that he wouldn’t just get her an invitation to these tests, but Sally and Mickey as well. The three of them had been fighting alien threats together for the past years. After leaving UNIT Martha had moved back to London and started working as a regular Doctor, but that hadn’t been enough. She started investigating strange occurrences and ran into Mickey while chasing aliens. A few weeks later Mickey introduced her to his girlfriend Sally. Martha had been surprised to see Sally again, but the two of them quickly became best friends; and Sally had been more than ready to join their little freelance alien fighting group. Martha had a feeling that after her encounter with the Weeping Angels and the Doctor a normal life had been a bit too boring for Sally. Martha knew the feeling well.

She was about to wish Mickey and Sally good luck when her gaze fell on a man standing a few feet away. Martha’s eyes widened. It was Becker! She had met him about seven months ago in a bar. She had been in a pretty bad mood because she ran into her ex-husband Tom and his girlfriend - whom he had already had an affair with while they were still married - earlier. To cheer her up a friend had dragged her to a bar, where Martha met Becker. He had been in a pretty bad mood as well and they started drinking together. Somehow they managed to cheer each other up, then one thing led to another and they ended up at her place. Afterwards he promised to call, but never did. Apparently a one-night stand was all he wanted from her. Martha’s eyes narrowed. What the hell was he doing here? Yes, she knew that he was a soldier, but this wasn’t the only place a soldier could work! Why did he have to come here?

“You okay?” Sally asked.

Martha turned to her friend and quickly pushed away all thoughts about Becker. She would not let him ruin this for her! Freelancing with her two friends had been nice, but it was also dangerous. They had barely gotten away with their lives a number of times. They really needed backup. Plus the Stargate Program would allow her to travel to other planets again! She simply had to get in. She would concentrate on the tests ahead and not waste even a single thought on Becker. He certainly wasn’t worth it!

“I’m fine,” Martha answered. “Let’s do this.”

“Should be easy as pie,” Mickey stated with a grin. He had worked for Torchwood in the alternate reality after all, fought against countless aliens, among them Daleks and Cybermen. They’d be crazy not to hire him, right? Still, some of his old insecurity seemed to come back, making him a little anxious. He really wanted to get this job. The Stargate was fascinating. He simply had to walk through it at least once.

“Sure,” Sally said a little hesitantly.

Mickey took her hand and squeezed gently. “You’ll do fine,” he said. He knew that she was a little nervous as well. Most of the recruits were military after all, whilst they weren’t, but he had been trained by Torchwood and Martha by UNIT, and they had taught Sally everything they knew. He was sure she would do well.

Sally nodded and tried to give Mickey a smile. She could do this! She had come a long way since she helped the Doctor defeat the Weeping Angels, and even back then she had managed that. She would do fine, just like Mickey said.

----- -----

Rachel Berenson stood in a room full of strangers, listening to General O’Neill’s speech. ‘Expect the unexpected’, she mused snorting slightly. Didn't she always? In fact she kind of always expected things that simply didn’t happen, not in this world at least. After the Ellimist saved her life by throwing her into an alternate reality nothing was as it used to be. There were no Yeerks invading Earth, no Andalites ever came to Earth and Rachel’s friends were normal human teenagers, not Animorphs. She lived a completely normal life. She even remembered growing up in this reality, but in addition to that she also remembered her life back in her own reality. Sometimes that seemed like out of a strange dream, but Rachel knew that it was real, because she could still morph into animals and whatever or better whoever else she acquired. It all happened, and as much as Rachel always thought she wished that things went back to normal, now she missed her crazy life. She simply couldn’t pretend that it didn’t happen. The war against the Yeerks had changed her irrevocably, turned her into a soldier. It was why she joined the Marine Corps after finishing High School. Her family and friends had been shocked, but they didn’t really know her. They weren’t even her real family and friends. Her real family and friends would understand, or maybe they’d think she was crazy to go and sign up to fight another war, after she had gotten the unique chance to live a normal life again. Whatever they’d think it didn’t really matter, since Rachel would never find out. She was stuck here and could never go back.

Pushing the thoughts about her past away Rachel followed her fellow recruits out of the room. It was time to face those tests. Her commanding officer had suggested her for this job and said that it was an amazing opportunity. It was all classified and mysterious, and Rachel was dying to find out what it was all about, especially now that she saw this place. It looked kind of… alien. She was probably jumping to conclusions because of her own past, but she didn’t think that humans built something like this. Maybe her life was finally about to get interesting again.

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Day 4 - Atlantis - a balcony - afternoon:

Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell stepped onto a balcony and took a deep breath. Leaning against the railing he looked out at Atlantis and the ocean beyond it. The sight was breathtaking, which was why he came to this balcony whenever he was in Atlantis. He probably would be out here a lot now that he lived in the city. It tended to calm him down and let him breathe again whenever he felt like life couldn’t get any harder. Right now he did feel like that. The funeral had been hard. They had lost so many people in the bombing. The loss of his co-workers and friends was weighing him down, and Cam wondered how much more he could take. He wished he could use the ancient stones and go to Destiny. Being with TJ and Hope would surely help. But unfortunately they were in stasis pods, frozen for another two years… if they were lucky. If not, if Eli Wallace had calculated something wrong, Destiny would drift between galaxies for about a thousand years, and its crew would stay in their stasis pods for that long. He would never see TJ and their daughter again. He was determined to stay optimistic and not lose hope, but it was hard, especially today.

“Mitchell,” a voice said suddenly, making him turn around. “Colonel,” he said in greeting.

“I’m going to observe the new recruits self defence tests and could use another pair of eyes. You interested?” John Sheppard asked. Cam had that look again, the look that told John just how hard it all was for him. John considered Cam a close friend by now, and he knew about his relationship with Tamara Johansen and their daughter, who were both stuck on Destiny in a far away galaxy with no means of returning home. That would be hard on anyone on the best of days, and lately they were far away from even good days. John wished there was a way he could make things easier for Cam, but there wasn’t. A little distraction was all he had to offer.

“Sure,” Cam said. Something to do seemed like a good idea. It would keep his thoughts from straying to unwanted territories.

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Day 4 - Atlantis - gym - afternoon:

John leaned back against the wall observing the self defence test. Cam was taking notes, which John was grateful for. That way he only had to add some of his own observations later.
The new recruits were sparring with Teyla, Ronon, Teal’c and McGarrett. They weren’t expected to win against one of them of course. In John’s opinion they were doing fine as long as they didn’t go down within a minute… which the first group of recruits unfortunately hadn’t managed. John sighed and shared a look with Cam. Well, things could only get better from here, right?

The next group did better. They didn’t stand a chance against their opponents, but they did hold their own well enough.

“Three of them were suggested by UNIT,” Cam observed while writing down some observations.

“UNIT?” John asked. He knew he had heard that before, but couldn’t remember what exactly it meant.

“UNified Intelligence Taskforce,” Cam stated. “They’ve been fighting alien threats far longer than the Stargate Program has even existed, but unlike us they are stuck on Earth,” he added with a smirk.

John snorted slightly. Yeah, going to other planets definitely was a plus. He could hardly believe that he had hesitated at all before joining the SGP. He loved his job, no matter how hard it could be on some days. On others it was simply amazing, and being a soldier was never easy anyway.

“Next,” John called after a while. Three men and a woman entered and Cam paired them up.

“They used to work for NCIS. Naval Criminal Investigative Service,” Cam clarified. “They were stationed in its Office of Special Projects.”

“Interesting,” John mused, already curious to see how they would be doing.

“Special Agent Hanna used to be a SEAL,” Cam added while giving the signal to start.

----- -----

Steve grinned when he was paired with Sam Hanna. Finally a real challenge, he thought as they started to spar.

“You’ve been in better shape, Sir,” Sam teased as he landed a blow.

Steve snorted before retaliating and landing a kick that made his friend stumble backwards.

“I could say the same about you, Chief,” he stated while circling his opponent.

Sam chuckled, enjoying himself. McGarrett had always been one of his favorite sparring partners.

----- -----

“They seem to enjoy themselves,” John observed gesturing at McGarrett and Hanna.

“I think they know each other. McGarrett’s a SEAL, too,” Cam said.

“Right,” John muttered, remembering that he had heard that before. “Maybe we should have let SEALs join the SGP sooner,” he said. They definitely were a force to be reckoned with, as the two SEALs in this room demonstrated.

Cam nodded before turning his attention to the other pairs. That Sam Hanna got an outstanding review was pretty clear by now.

Following Cam’s example John focused on the other recruits as well. They weren’t as good as Hanna, but did a great job, too. He especially liked watching Kensi Blye sparring with Teyla. Watching the two women could only be described as hot.

John grinned mischievously. “We’re so keeping her.”

“Yeah,” Cam muttered, then cleared his throat slightly before writing down his observations about Special Agent Blye and her co-workers. They were definitely all worth keeping.

“Next,” John called. He had seen enough.

The NCIS group left and was replaced by the two people from Five-0 that John hadn’t met yet, and two others. His gaze immediately fell on the second woman. She was young, blonde and looked like she belonged on a catwalk or movie screen. She was more than just beautiful. What made someone like her decide to become a soldier?

“Captain Rachel Berenson, US Marines Corps,” Cam read from his list, having noticed John’s look. Wow, a Captain at her age. She had to be good. Looking up from his files he watched as she started to spar with Ronon. He had a feeling that the Satedan was holding back a little, but Berenson was still doing a really good job. He guessed that explained her choice of career. Still, with her looks it was almost a crime that she wasn’t a movie star or model.

Tearing his eyes away from the blond marine John looked over to the two Five-0 members. They were doing a great job as well. Not that he had expected anything else. Having worked with Five-0 he was sure that they didn’t employ anyone who wasn’t at least good. That left the fourth recruit. John turned to observe his sparring with McGarrett. He was doing pretty well, too.

“Captain Becker, UK Special Forces,” Cam said. “He was suggested by the British IOA member.”

“Looks like we have an IOA member who actually had a good idea,” John observed dryly, but then fell silent. Woolsey was a member of the IOA as well after all and had done a pretty decent job while in charge of the Atlantis expedition. John even missed the man occasionally since Atlantis had fallen back under military command.

The next group of recruits were from Fort Marshall, the 23rd Airborne Division of the US Army, which was being closed. Cam had no idea why. The men he was observing were holding their own quite well. Turning back to his notes he wrote down his observations.

After they were finished three Russians and one American woman entered the room. Cam paired them up, then looked at his list.

“Faith Lehane,” he said. “I think she is that slayer Sam has been talking about. “This should be interesting.”

John briefly glanced at Cam, nodding, then gave the signal to start, his eyes fixed on Ronon and the slayer. They had barely started when Ronon hit the mat. John chuckled slightly. Apparently no one had told his friend not to go easy on a slayer, or that Faith was a slayer in the first place. He grinned. It was a nice change to see Ronon out-matched for once. The Satedan however didn’t seem to think so. Jumping up gracefully he circled Faith, apparently ready for a real fight now. And what a fight it turned out to be. John had never seen anyone move the way Faith did. There was definitely something supernatural involved. No one else could fight Ronon like that, not even Teyla and Teal’c.

After staring at Ronon and Faith for about five minutes John finally remembered that they had others to observe as well. Nudging Cam he gestured at the Russians.

“Right,” Cam muttered tearing his eyes away from Faith and Ronon reluctantly. The Russians sparring wasn’t half as interesting, but they were pretty good anyway. O’Neill would be pleased, since he had promised the Russians, as well as the Chinese, full teams to get them off his back.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 4 - Atlantis - break room - afternoon:

Captain Becker walked into a room, his hair still damp from showering. Looking around the room he once more noticed how strange the building looked. Kind of futuristic, he thought before snorting slightly. The actual future didn’t look anything like this after all. He should know, since he had been there, a few times actually. It resembled an apocalyptic ruin, not this place. He quickly pushed those thoughts away. They only led to thoughts about his lost and dead team members, and especially Sarah, who had died in that future, killed by future predators.

Sighing Becker walked over to the buffet and grabbed a sandwich, determined to leave the past in the past and focus on what was important right now. His father had pulled all kinds of strings to get him invited to these tests and Becker wasn’t going to disappoint him by failing. Besides, now that he was here he was dying to know what this was all about. It was highly classified and very mysterious. He simply had to pass the tests so he would be told what exactly the Stargate Program was about. Besides, this was his best excuse not to return to the ARC. He had been contacted a few times by the newly formed ARC already. They wanted him back because James Lester apparently didn’t want to return unless Becker did, too. He really had no idea why Lester wanted him back. It had been his job to protect the team and he had failed miserably. Two of them were dead, three lost in time, presumably dead. Several military personnel had died on his watch, too. He simply couldn’t go back. They’d be better off without him, and hopefully he would be better off in this place as well.

Eating a bite from his sandwich Becker glanced around the room. The blonde who had been in his self defence group was at the buffet. She looked stunning. He had no idea why she became a soldier, but he had to admit that she had done pretty well while fighting the tall long-haired member of the Stargate Program. For a moment he wondered if he should go talk to her. Most recruits were here in groups, but she seemed to be alone, just like he was. However, before he could make a decision another woman joined the blonde at the buffet. Becker’s eyes widened. It was Martha! His eyes were fixed on her as memories came back to him, memories of them in a bar, drinking, then of them kissing and… He quickly pushed those memories away. He was NOT going to think about that now. There were a lot more important things, like what the hell she was doing here. She said that she was a doctor. Why would a British doctor be here? Yes, it was an international organisation and they needed doctors, too, but if she was a doctor, why would she be among the recruits? He frowned, really not liking this. He had stayed away from her even though he really had wanted to see her again, because he didn’t want to get her involved in his messy life. People he cared about tended to get killed or lost in time. Even after just one night he cared about her way too much to want to put her in any kind of danger. And now she was here! He didn’t know what this was about yet, but he had a feeling that it was way too dangerous for him to want Martha anywhere near it. Still, what could he do? Go over to her and tell her to go home? Right, as if she’d listen to him after what happened between them. He was pretty sure he had burned that bridge when not calling her after they had sex.

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About ten minutes later Colonels Sheppard and Mitchell came into the room and paired them up into groups for the simulation of missions. Becker could hardly believe it, but he was actually placed on a team with Martha. Well, at least he could keep an eye on her that way… to keep her safe of course, not because she was still as hot as he remembered her.

Martha frowned when she heard the team assignments. There were dozens of recruits here and she had to end up on a team with Becker? At least Sally and Mickey were on her team, too, which was a plus. Their team leader was Colonel Jack O’Neill, and he looked way too young to be a Colonel. How the hell did that happen, she wondered for a moment. And O’Neill… wasn’t the General in charge of the SGP called O’Neill, too? Were they related? She guessed she’d find out sooner or later.

After finishing to read the team assignments Colonel Mitchell came over to Martha and her team and gestured for them to follow him, which luckily saved Martha from having to do more than briefly greet Becker. She was sure that he recognized her though, and the look he gave her was anything but pleased. Apparently he didn’t like to meet his conquests again after he got what he wanted.

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Day 4 - Atlantis - afternoon:

“You sure you don’t want to join the Stargate Program, too?” Sam Carter asked glancing at Willow Rosenberg. Since the redhead had come to Atlantis they had spend a lot of time together and Sam was starting to consider her a friend. Willow was brilliant, funny and a powerful witch, the SGP would be thrilled to have her, and Sam definitely wouldn’t mind having her around either.

“Thanks for the offer,” Willow answered. “But I already have an important job.” There were still a lot more slayers than watchers and Willow couldn’t just abandon hers and hand them over to another watcher. “I’m just going to be your liaison to the Watchers Council, which should mean that I’ll be here a lot, especially since Faith joined up.” Willow was still a little surprised that Faith had actually decided to join the Stargate Program. Faith was so independent and still a bit of a loner. Imagining her in a military organisation was a little hard. On the other hand the rigid organisation, discipline and team work might do her some good. Willow really hoped it would. She considered Faith one of her best friends by now, and she was one of her slayers, which Willow considered family. She wished her only the best.

Sam nodded. At least they were getting a slayer. If half of what Sam read about slayers was true she was sure Faith would be a great addition to the SGP. And they’d see just how good she was during the tests.

Willow was just about to say something else when her gaze fell on a woman. She had never seen her before, but something about her felt… off. Narrowing her eyes she concentrated and looked at her with all her senses. Then her eyes widened. There was something inside her…

“Sam, I think she’s a Goa’uld,” Willow exclaimed pointing at the woman.

“What? How…” Sam muttered, but broke off and pulled her gun. Willow was a witch, and Sam wasn’t sure if she’d even understand if Willow explained how she knew what she knew. Besides, explanations could wait.

“Sergeant Mehra,” Sam called, hiding her gun behind her back. “A word, please.” It would be best to get her away from innocent bystanders. Unfortunately Mehra, or whoever was in control of her body at the moment, didn’t play along. Instead she ran.

“Crap,” Sam muttered and rushed after her while tapping her radio and informing the control room of what was going on.

Turning around a corner Sam pointed her gun at Mehra, but at the same time Radek Zelenka stepped out of his lab and the Goa’uld grabbed him, holding him in front of her like a shield and pointing a gun at his head.

“Get back!”

Sam frowned, but didn’t have a choice. She lowered her gun slightly and made a step back.

“You’re never going to get out of the city,” she called. The Goa’uld just smirked and went towards a transporter, dragging a whimpering Zelenka with her.

Sam’s mind was racing when Mehra was suddenly pulled away from Zelenka, thrown through the air and crashed into the wall next to the transporter. Wow, so that’s what a witch looked like in action, Sam thought as Willow stepped next to her with a small smirk.

“Thanks,” Sam muttered, then quickly walked towards Mehra, who seemed to be out cold. Pushing away the gun the Goa’uld had dropped Sam knelt down in front of the woman. That was when Mehra opened her eyes and kicked Sam in the chest, making her stumble backwards and right into Willow. As they hit the ground together the Goa’uld jumped up and ran into the transporter.

Rolling out from under Sam Willow concentrated and telekinetically pulled the Goa’uld out of the transporter. Unfortunately the woman dropped something into the transporter just before its doors closed.

“What did you throw inside?” Sam called while pushing herself up and pointing her gun at the Goa’uld. Unfortunately the question was unnecessary as an explosion could be heard a few seconds later. It was distant, but made the whole city shake anyway.

“Thanks for pulling me out of there,” the Goa’uld said with a sneer.


Book Cover fanart for this chapter:


( chapter 7)


xover: ncis la/stargate, xover: multiple, ncis la: kensi blye, fanfic, xover: drwho/stargate, ncis la: sam hanna, sg: other characters, fanfic: it's far from over, army wives: other characters, hawaii 5-0, doctor who: sally sparrow, sg-1, sg: teal'c, xover, sga, sg: ronon dex, animorphs, xover: drwho/primeval, sg: teyla emmagan, primeval: becker, ncis la, ncis la: g. callen, btvs, ncis la: marty deeks, xover: army wives/stargate, xover: animorphs/stargate, xover: btvs/stargate, doctor who: mickey smith, xover: animorphs/primeval, sg: cameron mitchell, btvs: faith lehane, primeval, doctor who: martha jones, hawaii 5-0: steve mcgarrett, sg: jack o'neill, xover ship: becker/martha, sg: clone!jack o'neill, sg: sam carter, hawaii 5-0: lori weston, xover: primeval/stargate, xover: h50/stargate, army wives, btvs: willow rosenberg, doctor who, doctor who: mickey/sally, army wives: trevor leblanc, hawaii 5-0: other characters, sg: john sheppard

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