Feb 27, 2006 19:19
Cats are evil creatures...when I found my cat, Mittens, she was very little, and didn't have a home, and she was so nice and cuddly. She was rub up against my leg and jump in my lap, and constantly want me to pet her. After much persuasion, I was allowed to keep her. But, now a days, she doesn't seem to like me as much..when I went out side to feed her, she would meow and rub against my leg, and all of that sweet kitty stuff, but after the food had been eaten, she wouldn't like me any more. Every time I would reech out to pet her, she would run away. I don't get it...
You know movies when theres a bad girl friend, and then theres the good girl friend that comes along and just takes the guy away...I'm always scared I'm the bad girl friend, that they can't stand at all...I don't feel like I'm causing him to not like me, but sometimes I feel like I'm annoying him, and we've been dating for a year in March, and I don't want him to get tired of me... JUST LIKE ME CAT!:'(