I swear you better not go any further if you haven't seen Season 6 episode 23 of Bones
ok just breath...I just finished watching Bones...FUCK! Holy shit she's pregnant!? When? Was it just the once?
Whilst yes I am very excited by this new storyline, I am also MAJORLY pissed off! We missed it, after 6 years of waiting, for the kiss, the next move (to see who made it), and finally, being together.
I feel cheated, I really do! So what did happen? Did they have sex "that" night? Or was it after wards some time? I wonder if they became a couple after that night or was it just the one time? Pissed off.
Ok, moving on...how big was Booths smile when she told him she was pregnant!? How beautiful did Emily look in that last scene? Very Beautiful.
That's all for now, won't be my last post on this subject, I'm just really tired and shocked and can't think straight!
♥ Goodnight, sweet dreams, all my love to my fellow Bones fans out there that are shocked as much as I am xxx