Another sketch trade with
kalamburdSorry it's a bit late, I started drawing one image that went wrong. Then I thought 'let's do a pic of Dandruff in ~~~~~**~*~Epic Majestic~*~**~~~~~ form.
In other news one of the kittens that lives behind the uni got into the halls courtyard last night. I went out and cuddled it because and I had kittycuddle withdrawal symptons from not seeing my own cats. And then put it outside the gates in case it couldn't get out.
Next minute I look outside and its trotting after someone else outside.
Then I hear a commotion in the room next to mine, and the kitty had jumped through the window and started patrolling 'round the flat. It was happy (and very purry) we stopped it when it started to eat James' leftover pizza.
Then I took it out of the gates again. But then it stayed under our windows (we're on the bottom floor) crying its heart out and chasing mice (those little things make a lot of noise!).
It was gone in the morning but it was a mistake letting it in. I hate to think what would happen if someone horrible got hold of her, or some drunk people came back to the halls and got her :/