Had very strange vivid dreams this week, just where I'm doing boring everyday things that need done the next day. Last night I dreamt I booked a doctors appointment (note to self, book doctors appointment) and I got a message through saying my trading partner on
aceofurxchange is Raynedancer :/
The night before that I had a dream I overslept and missed computer class and just carried on with my day. Then when I actually I woke up I was on time, which was very bizarre.
Such mundane boring dreams. I'm just freaked out why I'm dreaming like this, never had them going on for a whole week before.
EXCEPT one freaky dream I had earlier this week. My mum's terrified of being in confined spaces with birds (all because her arsehole of a brother threw a horrible cockerel at her when she was little) she literally goes hysterical like she's just seen someone be killed. It normally happens when there's birds in the garage, because the cats bring them in and they're obviously not dead and start flying around. Then it's time for me to get a fishing net and get them out, lol.
Anyways the dream was that we were in a house and there was this horrible scratty jay flying around and scaring mum, but she kept running into the rooms the jay was flying into. And everytime I grabbed it with my hands it flew out like a bar of soap. And this went on and on.
When I eventually put it outside it was pouring with rain, and poor thing was soaked. Feeling sorry for it I tried picking it up to put it somewhere sheltered. But the same thing kept happening and I kept accidently firing it into the ground :S XD
I rang mum the next day and she found it as hilarious as I did.