Aug 20, 2006 19:01
today was fun.
Do you enjoy writing? Why or why not? I enjoy writing because I almost allwayes have a good idea about what to write.
**Are you a good writer? How do you know? I am a good writer. I know because lots of people say I am.
What do you like to write about at school? I like to write fiction: twins, adventures. Facts: made up characters in my situations.
What do you like to write about at home? I like to write my dreams, thoughts, ideas, and stuff about that day in journals/diaries.
How have you improved as a writer? (I didn't write anything in this one except an X...)
What could you do to improve your writing? To improve my writing, I could: add more deatail, and use more descriptive words.
**What are your writing strengths? I used to allwayes get dirty sweat in my palms, but now I don't.
**How do you feel about yourself as a writer? I feel like I love writing so much, I might be a writer when I grow up.
**Are you a good speller? Why or why not? I am a good speller. I don't know why.
What do you do when you don't know how to spell a word? When I can't spell a word, I do my best. Or I look in the dictionary.
**Why do you think it's important to be a good writer? I think it's important to be a good writer because you will need good good writing in college.
Do you enjoy reading what you wrote to others? Why or why not? I enjoy reading what I wrote to others because I like to get compliments.
How do you feel when others share their writing with you? I feel interested when other people share their writing with me.
my favorites are starred. i love looking through old school stuff.
Help! I'm Moldy!
Setting: Refrigerator, the dump
Characters: Salami the Sausage, Skim the Milk, Cheddar the Cheese, and Pulp the Orange Juice
Problem: Cheddar is moldy. So he gets thrown away. Salami, Skim, and Pulp have to find him at the dump.
1. In the refrigerator, Mary Redwood finds out that Cheddar is moldy.
2. Cheddar is in the waste basket, and it is trash day. Cheddar travels to the dump.
3. Salami, Pulp, and Skim have to find Cheddar, so they go into the waste basket. On the next trash day they go to the dump.
4. They try to find Cheddar, and after 2 days, they find him!
Ending: They find an old bathtub and give Cheddar a bath. They sneak back to the refrigerator, and everything is back to normal.
that's all. i don't really want to go back to work tomorrow. i like freedom.