Jun 01, 2006 20:03
it's june. when did that happen? virtually 2 weeks left of school. gosh.
today consisted of boring classes, hatred towards mrs. block, hearing the seniors in select (SO good, guys), staying at school until 5, "practicing" for auditions, reading harry potter, writing my english essay, doing a ton of bio (all my love, dixon. but really. fuck you), and cuddling with my dog underneath my desk (who knew dogs could get THAT scared of thunder?). now all's left to do is the conclusion to the most jumbled essay ever, and then it's relaxation galore.
1. Honestly, what color are your underwear?: rainbow striped.
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?: my english essay
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now?: taking this quiz, duh.
4. Honestly, what did you do today?: school until 5 and my english essay.
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?: let's see... no.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?: define bad. i dont think so...?
7.Honestly have you watched cable?: ever? of course. today? no.
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: i'm always jealous of someone.
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?: being with other people. most of the time. and jrb. all of the time.
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?: nope
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now?: irritated.
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder?: no.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?: sure, why not. come on over.
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret ?: nope. at least one person knows all my secrets.
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you dont actually like?: i don't consider them to be my friend, but they consider me to be theirs.
16. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?: actually, my dog. he looks pretty adorable.
17. Honestly, are you loyal?: sure.
18. Honestly, are you in denial?: no. i've pretty much come to terms with everything.
19. Honestly, would u rather be having sex rite now?: uhhhh. no.
20. honestly, are you a virgin?: yes.
21. Honestly, does someone like you?: idk...
22. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?: in association with the previous answer, no.
1. What do you do when you're mad?: blast music, get angry at random people, cry.
2. What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: iiii don't remember.
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: i don't really make people cry.
4. Ever hurt anyone physically when you were mad?: emmapunches are not angerpunches.
5. Do you curse when you're mad?: and when i'm not mad.
1. When was the last time you really cried your heart out?: ragtime. before that, i don't think i've cried really hard since the semi afterparty, or april vacation.
2. Do you cry when you get an injury?: depends what the injury is.
1. Are you normally a happy person?: yesyesyes
2. What can make you happy?: virtually anything.
3. Does being with your friends make you happy?: yesyesyes
1. Is your self-esteem extremely low?: nope
2. Do you believe in yourself?: ehhh sometimes.
3. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you deny that you are?: nope, i say thanks and then compliment them, even if they're not looking good/pretty. because i'm just that considerate.
4. Are you one of those people that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat?: sometimes, sometimes, and not actually fat but sometimes unhappy about my weight.
X MARKS THE SPOT....or atleast the correct one...
F . A . M . I . L . Y:
[X] A mother.
[X]A father
[X] younger brother
[X] A younger sister
[ ] An older brother
[ ] Step siblings
[ ] An older sister
[ ] Grandfather
[X] Grandmother
[X] Cousins
[ ] Half brother or sister
F . R . I . E . N . D . S:
[X] Friend(s) who loves you
[X] Trustworthy friends.
[X] Honest friends.
[since nicole checked this one, i guess i should too? but i don't think so.] Backstabbing friends.
A . H . O . M . E:
[ ] an apartment.
[X] A house.
[ ] A trailor
[X] Your own room.
[X] A front lawn.
[X] A back yard.
[ ] A trampoline.
[ ] A pool.
[ ] A hot tub.
[it's a really gorgeous, muddy swamp.] pond in your yard.
I . N . Y . O . U . R . R . O . O . M:
[ ] More than 3 sources of light.
[X] Painted walls
[X] Window(s).
[ ] A computer
[X]A full/queen/king sized bed
[ ] I have two beds in my room
[X] An alarm clock
[pictures, actually.] posters on the wall
P . O . S . S . E . S . S . I . O . N . S:
[X!!] A cell phone.
[ ] A hair straightener.
[X]Curling iron.
[X] Sun glasses.
[X] Make-up.
[X] Perfume / Cologne.
[X] Nail polish.
[X] Flip-flops
[X] Necklaces / earrings / bracelets.
[X] More than 4 pairs of shoes.
[X] An ipod/MP3 Player.
[ ] A digital camera / webcam.
[X] Myspace/ Livejournal / Xanga / Blog
[ ] Something from " Abercrombie&Fitch".
[X] Something from "Hollister co."
[X] Something from "Pac Sun".
[ ] Something from "Hot Topic".
[ ] More than $50.00 in your purse/wallet.
[ ] A gift card.
[X] A trophy or award.
[ ] Snowboard
[ ] Rollerblades
[ ] Skateboard
[X] A pet.
[X] more than one pet.
[ ] More than four pets.
[ ] beer in your refrigerator.
[very few.] Snacks in your house.
[ ] Video games.
[ ] X-Box live.
[ ] An X-Box.
[ ] X-Box 360
[ ] A PS2.
[ ] A PSP.
[ ] A Gamecube.
[ ] "old school" nintendo
[ ] More than 5 games for X-Box.
[ ] More than 5 games for PS2.
[ ] More than 5 games for PSP.
[ ] More than 5 games for Gamecube.
[X] A DVD Player.
[X] More than 5 movies on DVD.
A . T . S . C . H . O . O . L:
[ ] Your own locker.
[ ] A working locker.
[ ] A locker near your friend's locker.
[somewhat] Good grades.
[ ] Easy classes.
[X] a backpack/girl bag
[X] A notebook for every class.
[X] A book for every class.
[X] Pens / Pencils.
[X] A calculator.
[X] A graphing calculator.
[X] A ruler.
E . X . T . R . A . S:
[ ] A car.
[ ] A boat.
[ ] A job.
[X] A bike.
[X] A basketball hoop.
[it's my brother's, i swear.] A soccer net.
[X] A store within walking distance.
[X] less than 4 acres of property
that was super fun. now if you'd excuse me, i have to go put the siblings to bed.