Feb 02, 2005 23:37
Ok I just have to vent about this person that I hate with everything I have!! She is no one in my grade, and I hate her more than I have ever hated anyone. I just hope she realizes what a pathetic human being she is and that no one will ever love that ugly face of hers with its nice moustache. Haha what a fucking joke. Not even a good joke. A fucking loser joke. I just hope she gets it coming to her and for once isn't a stuck up fuck face and gets it that no one really likes her. And can we just say used and a slut? Hope this person feels great about their lives. Especially since their mother tells me she thinks I'm pretty and doesn't tell her hairy little daughter the same thing! Hah you fucking bitch. I hate you so much, and it's funny because the truth is, you're not even worth all of this and my time hating you you pathetic waste of precious human air. I'll let the scientist know you're available next time they need some animals to test in their lab. Maybe some new moustache removal products?