
Jan 26, 2005 21:24

just finished my spanish project and thanks to the online translator. i really wanted to go to my sister's game today but with the detention, spanish project, plus the little errand i had to run after school i didnt have enough time. and matt and i planned to watch a movie so i wanted to do that. i also got him a little present, something he got all mad about but really it was a nice picture of the two of us that i wanted him to have! i actually got him another one of us, but i picked the wrong one, so i didn't get to give him the other good one. but he liked it and i knew he would feel bad about getting all upset over nothing, so it was worth it!

kati and i just had a nice talk about how much we hate school and just feel like everything is going so fast past us. it sucks that we have to go through that, but at least i don't feel like i'm going crazy. i also on top of all that, hate school, and the atmosphere of school and can't wait to get out. i was also watching this TV show, and on the show one of the girls had a boyfriend, but her best friend and him were secretly together. and when she found out, she of course hated both of them. but then the best friend also found a reason to hate him and of course they could hate him together. how fake is that, that they are friends based on hating someone else. and i was noticing around our school just how much that is true. people, especially girls, will hate one girl one week, and then the next are best friends for life!! i think it just goes to say that how can you know true friendship, and that all the girls i have rid myself of as friends have just made life so much better. thank god for the guy friends that just make everything so much easier and just make you have a good time. i just have to say after ridding myself of all the extras in my life, i am happy with everyone in my life, and it just goes to show the ones that were there in the beginning, and all the way through without breaks until the end are the ones that are the good friends. and thankfully i have two of those, and if it weren't for the three of us, i wouldn't have been able to have made it through a lot of the shit in my life, and i would have missed out on some of the best times and i love them for just being there through everything. just had to get that out.

ok well south park is over, so is newlyweds, and i am watching NBC about 13 year old girls having sex. way too young.
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