Jun 23, 2003 16:25

Being too poor to get in on the pre-sale, I found myself at a Barnes and Noble on Friday night, counting down the minutes. I hadn't thought that I'd be able to get it for at least a week after it came out because my bank account in positively dismal. To my absolute shock, however, my Dad asked me if I was going and kept giving me suggestions. Despite that I'd told him I had no money, he called several bookstores inquiring about their hours that night with no prompting from me. Then Anna called and offered to come and put it on her credit card as a super-early birthday present. Couldn't have that and I assured her I'd pay her back. With that new developement, I told my Dad that he was no longer required to go, but was certainly welcome to if he still wanted to. His previous persistance seemed to suggest that he was willing to provide financial backing. Again, to my surprise, he was still interested. So we set off at quarter past ten. Got there early, watched the costumed folks, enjoyed the kids running around with (silver) snitches made out of tinfoil and feathers that they had just made. Spotted, along with several home-made wands, what appeared to be an impromptu twig-wand. Round glasses and Every-flavor beans ran amuck. Anna and I ran into a friend from highschool and talked to her until they began calling off the ticket numbers we'd recieved at the door. During all this, my Dad kept interjecting things like "I see the books!", pointing to a man with a dolly, and "What time is it? Why didn't you wear your watch?", and "Did you know she's richer than the Queen of England now." Which I did, having watched the television segment he gleaned that from sitting right next to him. At midnight, they dropped balloons and Anna and Lindsay and I were discussing tactics for book-snatching in case they ran out before our numbers were called. Thankfully, it didn't come to that and by one we were home. And although I've definitely had enough of this stinking rain, I didn't mind it so much over the weekend. I'd have felt guilty and lazy if the weather had been gorgeous while I was spending all my waking time reading on the living room chair. I finished it last night somewhere around midnight. There were some surprises and some annoyances, but I was certainly not disappointed. I have a much better feeling towards it than book 4 and I don't regret spending my weekend on it. Who else has read it? I'm dying to discuss it with people.
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