Hello 2013!

Feb 17, 2013 12:48

Ok, Ok, I know I'm a little late to say hello to the new year, but I just didn't feel the vibe to blog earlier in it... Each time I sat down in front of my screen and keyboard, I was just like: "Blogging? Meh..." So I didn't. On the other hand, I got quite some stuff done already. Craft-stuff... What kind? Hang on...
So... I finished the pair of socks I had started in December. Plus, started and finished another one, and also finished a third pair. I have taken those socks, apart from the first pair, with me to... No, later... I also did a few more Hexipuffs. I love them. They really are so cute and squishy-squashy. Just adorable. Pity I can't make any here in...

Ok, Ok, I'll tell you where I am. I'm actually in Belfast.
A friend (yes, that's you G...) posted on facebook that she had gotten a job offer here after uploading her CV on a certain website, so I put mine there too and BAM!!!! the very next day I got a call and was offered a position here. At first I was all happy and giddy, but then the fear kicked in. I was basically weeping all the time after that, and felt sick most of it. That lasted till, like... The day before yesterday? I was homesick from the very beginning, and I hate being homesick, because with me, that includes being literally sick.

Currently, I feel better. That is probably because I've set my mind on only staying here for six months tops, which is the time it takes until I do not have to pay the relocation costs to my employer anymore. And until then, I still have the plus sides of being alone in Belfast to deal with. Like there being a quilt shop on the other side of the river where I can dive into heaps of yummy fabrics, and get all the stuff I still need for my currently only project.
You see, I obviously could not take all my UFO's with me to Norn Iron, so I decided to start on something that has been spooking around in my head for a while. It is of course a quilting project. Since I had to scrap my original quilting plans for this year (I could hardly take all that fabric and my sewing machine to Belfast, now could I?), I thought I might just as well start on a probably solely hand-sewn project, which I decided to call (and I have mentioned this on facebook before) "The Pond". So far, nobody dared to make a guess what it might be. And I will be sure as hell keeping it a secret until it's done. Though I can hardly contain my happiness about it, since it's going to be AWESOME!!! But I will also make sure to take WIP-shots of it in various stages, and bug you by dropping hints every now and then.
So, where was I? Ah, yes, the plus sides of bein in Belfast. There's the quilt shop, and then there's the nerd-shop. There's a Forbidden Planet International store right next to my favourite mall, where I can indulge in my own and other people's geekyness... And buy Doctor Who merch... and other merch, of course. And comics, if they strike my fancy.
Then there's the fact that books are cheap as hell here. I only brought one book with me, my favourite, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, and I finished it on Friday, so when I went into town yesterday I bought a new one. I wanted to read all the other Jane Austen novels for a long time now, so I went to the first Eason shop I found and grabbed a Wordsworth Classics copy of "Persuasion". And then I went to buy a Doctor Who mug. I needed a decent container for my tea. I'll also see if I can grab both of the Doctor Who travel mugs I've seen, since we're only allowed covered drink containers at work.
And I have the strong feeling I'm gonna have to send a shitload of teddybears from that Build a Bear Company shop in the mall home when I go back. I want to get at least four for myself. Probably five. And then I might get, like two, for my little cousin. One dressed in the most Irish clothes they have, and one in a Disney princess dress, and I might also get the according dress for my cousin herself to wear in the Disney shop. She'd be adorable in one. I went in there yesterday, and if my cousin had been with me, she'd have gone badass crazy. It was just too sweet and adorable...

Well, I think I shall leave you guys with all that to ponder now. I really don't know what else to say at the moment...

Live long and prosper,

quilting, sewing, craftyness, reading, family, knitting, facebook, friends

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