I've been doing some writing...

Dec 09, 2012 14:35

But it's not much, so I don't want to post it just yet. Since I posted the update to the POP sequel here and on DA, it doesn't let me go, so I've been working on that.

However, I've also been down the crafting aisle in the colorful shop that is my life quite a bit.
I bought Tiny Owl Knits Beekeeper's Quilt pattern, which I had already fancied for, like, a whole year. Of course I started knitting hexipuffs straight away. In order to have a place to store them, I cleared out the glue-bucket my Mom brought home from work years ago, and where I used to keep my purses in, gave it a quick swipe for cleanliness, and threw the first... nine, I believe... ready hexipuffs in there. As it's called for in the pattern, I'm using scraps of sockyarn. I do also intend to use a complete single skein of sockyarn I bought some time ago because it was on sale. I don't think I'll ever really run out of scraps for hexipuffs, because I have so many gorgeous patterns for socks lying around. I've been thinking I might make it my goal to make one pair of socks each week next year, but that's a utopian wish, I guess. One pair a month seems way more likely, doesn't it? I might try that.
I am almost done with the hedgehog I make. I crocheted his body, added "hair", and he got eyes. Now I need to add feet, arms and a nose and trim his "hair" to all the same length. And I need to make a tiny sweater for him to hold in his hands. You know, in order to turn a generic hedgehog into Jawn... 'scuse me? What? You have no idea what a Jawn is? Why, John Watson, of course... Yes, BBC Sherlock's John Watson. Yeah, exactly, the one with the jumpers...
My Watson-Jumper (the one I told you about before, the big one, for myself to wear) is still on hold. I put it aside because I had to finish a blanket, and now I can't find the heart to continue. I wanted to wear it this winter... :(
I'm also still keeping in mind to sign up for Amy Gibson's Sugar Block Club, so to say her personal follow-up on this year's Block of the Month on Craftsy. As I said before, I intend to do those along each other.

Concerning my reading schedule, I finished "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in English for the first time. I am now continuing reading "The Hobbit". I wanted to finish it before seeing the first movie on wednesday, but I'm not sure I can manage that. I am about three fifths through, so I can at least be quite certain that I read all that's gonna be going on in the movie, so nevermind. Plus, it's gonna be all about Martin Freeman anyway.

Torchwood is still on Late-at-night-TV-duty. "Meat" was last night's program. There's still a long way to go on that front. Which reminds me that I must not forget to pack my copies of the first two Doctor Who seasons when I visit my friend.

My family, including myself, is quite busy preparing for Christmas. We have some problems which we know can't be solved until then, but we want to make it as fun and sweet as we can anyway. I think we've been through enough to be able to deal with that as well.
Also, this year will very likely be the second one after Northern Ireland that I don't spend with my family. Which might be a good thing. I don't like the idea of sitting on my uncle's kitchen-chair the whole night again and eat his BBQ'ed steaks which are black on the outside and still raw on the inside. I think I'd much rather go out with a friend instead.

So, I guess that's it for today. I wouldn't know what else to say, so I'll leave you with that.

Live long and prosper,

quilting, martin freeman, craftyness, project planning, tv & movies, reading, writing, bbc sherlock, knitting, crocheting

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