(no subject)

Jun 30, 2003 21:03

Oh wow, I didn't die. Honest. I swear. Really, I didn't. It's all an illusion.

I see Linda and Vinnie got journals. Yes, I know who Vince is Eliza. But sadly, Linda hasn't commented nor made a god damned entry and I don't get to spam comment her. Stop sippin' the haterade Cardellini. And maybe I'll stop lurking. Which, everyone should blame Freddie for that. Why? Because. He likes to blame me for everything, so I'm blaming back :D

Eliza, don't cry because I'm lurking baby. Just come and make me stop. That, or grab Vince someone, have sex in my bed without me knowing and Freddie and I will go in and boink in your after-sex and maybe break the bed. Ooh, fun.

Alyson Lee Hannigan, where the fuck in the hell are you at? I'm going to cry a river :;smirks!;: until you show the hell up again. And I'm all for teaming up to get the rest of the cult (I almost typed cunt?) clan here, Eliza. Just tell me who to harass and point me to 'em. :-*

Holy I just heard a scream, ... I think Matthew Lillard is getting raped. Oh, wait. That was someone lighting of some fireworks. Oops. False alarm. Anyway. --

Prinzess Sassy I plan on getting on this sometime tonight. Maybe. Hopefully. ah screw it, we'll just see if I get on now won't we? Yes.
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